baptisim questions

by Globetrotter 20 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • BluesBrother

    I am glad that people found the refs to the baptism q's for this thread .. It was all introduced in the name of "Unity" so that all dubs say the same. They are quite proud of that.

    This highlights a problem one has when discussing contentious issues. eq, the mass slaughter of all non witnesses at Armageddon. My family all say, "Of course we do not believe anything like that" .. I say "That is what the Org. teaches" but they rationalise and say they need not take it literally.

    Once again a "Pick and mix " attitude.. Because they are decent people who cannot countenance such a wholesale slaughter, so they blank it out

    My argument is the same as the original poster, It has to be all or nothing..

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