SEX: As a JW, Were you ever thisclose to having sex and then chickened out?

by Funchback 46 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Funchback

    I remember, badwillie, I remember.

    It's bad enough that we'd get a girlfriend, date them until the guilt kicked in, and then pray for forgiveness (just for even dating a non-JW). But the worst part was we'd do it over and over again. If we were NORMAL (aka non-JWs) teens, we'd have had a steady girlfriend, a prom date, or perhaps just a good friend.

    I offer my apologies to Evelyn Muniz, Crystal Moore, and Vincella Ross.

  • cypher50
    No, because the JW indoctination left me extremely innocent and I used to run from women before it even got to that stage.

    True, true, true. I'm not unexperienced (thank goodness) but till this day I am totally confused on approaching women because I keep having these thoughts in the back of my head telling me that it is all wrong and dirty. Probably have to go to therapy for that stuff...thanks Watchtower organization!

  • DanTheMan
    till this day I am totally confused on approaching women because I keep having these thoughts in the back of my head telling me that it is all wrong and dirty.

    I know what you mean bro.

    I never "chickened out" of sex, but I did pass on a couple of great relationship opportunities with non-JW women, and royally screwed up a relationship with a non-JW I dated briefly during my last days as a JW when I was losing my f*cking mind. Now I'm a shy 33 year old with little life experience and a depressed, apocalyptic outlook - Oh yeah, the babes are knocking down my door LOL

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Yep. Twice, both with Nina. Once with in the car behind Albertsons and once in the park. In retrospect I'm glad we didn't, it was much more fun exploring and playing after we were married.

    Funny though we were both pioneers, it never occurred to either one of us to turn ourselves in. We both agreed that whatever happened between us stayed with us, and was nobody else's damn business, certainly not a bunch of voyeuristic elders.

  • gumby

    I never felt a boob until I was married

    I also was a good dub, and the idea of fornication was taboo for me. It still is. I'm the type to get nervous, rather than be turned on, were seduction in a serious manner to be thrown my way.


  • Funchback

    Sorry for TMI, Nikita.

  • Thirdson

    I was like Gumby. But I did feel this French sister's boobs while playing around in the back of the bus on the way back from a London Bethel visit. It was only momentary touching of the breasts, honest! I didn't touch my first wife until after we were married. We had a number of opportunities to go much further when we were engage but I always chickened out.

    I never pursued anything with a non-JW as I was too indoctrinated. I remember getting a lecture from a JW friend who called in to see me at work and who spent some time chatting with the receptionist. He made it sound like the receptionist and I were shagging every night when all I'd done is chatted to her a work a few times. How screwed up is that?


  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith

    Just as soon as I got close to getting laid I got laid. No regrets other than the birth control thing. That made me nervous.

  • Funchback


    I was the opposite of you. I didn't have sex until marriage but I never turned down a chance to date a non-JW (if I was attracted to her). I guess everyone's JW conscience kicks in at different times. Unfortunatley for those I dated, my conscience didn't kick in until emotions were already involved.

  • stillajwexelder

    Yes chickened out --but it was because I wanted to be loyal to my wife -- not really the JW thing - stopped at the kiss stage -and it would have gone on further if I let it -- now my biggest problem is a person I have met on the net -- but if it goes further I do not think I will get JW guilt

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