return after being inactive

by brownlove2000 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • ScoobySnax

    Fascinating thread. I've often wondered about this if I were to return full time. I've been inactive now since about 1988. I always get the feeling that someone (elder or P.O) will approach me at the Memorial, and take me aside to find out my intentions/motivation. But they never do. The only thing they say is how nice to see you, and try not to leave it so long until your next visit!! (usually the Memorial the following year)

    I for one do think they (the brothers and sisters) are genuine when they see me, otherwise the warm welcome I get would surely have worn off by now, 15 years down the line. (Crikey has it been that long?!) Just my opinion anyway. (Wonder if it would be different if I turned up for the Sunday meeting?)

  • BluesBrother
    what shall i tell him?

    Tell him not to do it, that would be doing him a big favour.. At least get him to read through the websites that give a different view to the WT party line.

    Try and save him from another big mistake

  • Noumenon

    I had only just fallen into inactivity, ie, not reporting for 6 months, and had even still gone to some meetings, and this twit elder suggested a study with me. This after I'd grown up in the truth and knew all the knowledge inside out. Needless to say I was disgusted and thought how absolutely patronising and pathetic.

    It's typical of them to resort to pumping more knowledge into someone via some boring study of a book, when all I needed was some kindness and encouragement from a cold and unfriendly congregation. Knowledge this, knowledge, that...they can shove it all up their...

    I'm too cool for school. To heck with them and their patronising little re-activation study's.

  • gumby

    Blondie, thank you for the reference. I think things must have tightened up a bit with so many leaving them. There are many senarios to this thread. Have ones been away a few months .....or a few years? I can see elders being concerned in the case of one being away for a long period, then wanting to engage in the field ministry as the article you supplied shows. However to simply start attending meetings again, it would take an elder who was a dipshit to quiz somebody who has made the effort to return at least to meetings.


  • corvette

    Like a drug they saw you coming down from your high and figured this might make you come to your senses so they want to bring ya up again so they can be in full control of yer thinking again.

  • gumby

    Hey corvett,

    LOL......and welcome to the board


  • ozziepost

    I've got to this thread late - it's taken a while for downunder to catch up!!!

    Anyway, a comment here on the course that the elders would take as reported by Blondie - I think this is largely true, certainly here in Oz it's the likely scenario. Of course, there are instances of inactive returning to "open arms" but not the norm. Generally an inactive person would have their return supervised, and that supervision would include a regular study, likely with one of the elders, in the "Worship" book.

    But all of this is academic surely - why would anyone willingly want to exchange freedom for slavery??

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • corvette

    Why thank you Gumby!!! Very happy to be here!!!!

  • blondie

    That's true, Gumby, they would put off the questions until the person wants to be start out in the ministry. They push that pretty early, especially if you have been gone less than 2 years. But they will ask, whether it be in a formal way or as others have said, in a sly way. Can't be contaminating the sheep.


  • mustang

    This brings up a thought that I have:

    I've been out ~30 years. I was a pIONEER & a sERVANT. But if I hit those 80 200 whatever number of questions, I doubt that I would "pass muster". (That excludes my likely answers of "duh", "huh", "I dunno", "SAY WHAT!!!", "that's interesting" & "what difference does it make".) In other words, I doubt that I would qualify for baptism under today's rules.

    So, I'm not a JW of this time & place; I would just prefer to stay what I was (which doesn't exist any more).


    Fine With Me Class

    PS Actually, this is an academic question. I quietly left, because I was on the verge of becoming a hell-raiser and would have been squashed. That is usually the case with FREE WILL JW's!!!!

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