Typical conflicted behavior from a typical Witness

by crinklestein 18 Replies latest jw experiences

  • crinklestein

    I used to be a member of the Shelburne Falls MA congregation and I'm not afraid of anyone from there finding out about what I write. I used to be friends with a guy we shall call Den. We were friends for 10 years and through that 10 years he would bounce back and forth between wanting to be ultra religious and being worldly. It happened then and it's still happening to this day. He's a wannabe rockstar that says he has finally figured out how to play his guitar but during the 10 years I knew him all I ever heard him do was tune the damn thing. He would listen to heavy metal and watch R rated movies but then he'd feel guilty and trash all of his music and listen to more positive music and become ultra religious. He would bring his Bible everywhere and read it in front of people but in a kind of way as if to say, "I'm gonna sit in the corner and read my Bible so no one can notice me but I'm gonna have this secretive brood about me that will invite people to come over and ask me what I'm doing." That's how he would sucker people in to conversations about the "Truth". But then the world would start to tug on him and he would abandon the truth for a while. It would go on like this all the time.

    We had a big falling out over a woman that he was hoping to convert so he could have her without feeling guilty but she was FAR too smart to fall for that. The things he would say to her and do to himself while on the phone with her was just disgusting. But to this day he denies it all because he's a man of Jehovah. Yeah... right. I recently found out that he has a Livejournal and it's been funny reading his stuff after 4 years of being away. He is still the same way and right now he's in his rockstar mode. Today he just posted about how he needs to cut out the rot from his body and perfect it and that he's going to be doing more spiritual things in 2004. And at the same time he's gonna fullfill his dreams of being a rockstar. All at the same time. A couple weeks ago me and him had a fierce battle of words in which I came out the winner. And why did I win? Because I fought a witness the way they all need to be fought...by using their own words against them. Den contradicts himself with every breath he takes.

    He actually said IN THE SAME SENTENCE "Not that I'm egotistical but I have been and always will be better than you." Does that make sense? Here's a link to the whole battle if anyone is interested to see a true man of Jehoober in action. The funny thing is after the arguement he deleted his posts and then posted in his journal that I was lying. RIIIIGHT! I have the emails and IPs that the posts came from. Anyway, if anyone wants some entertainment click the link.


    To explain what started this my fiance was posting stuff in her journal about him but never mentioning his name. He replied to her posts saying we were slandering him and that he would see to it that our house was taken away from us in a lawsuit. HAHA!! RIIIIGHT!!!! So I found an article that talked about our overly litigious society and posted it on my journal and he replied and then the fun began. Enjoy.

  • crinklestein

    To also explain, after he deleted his entries I reposted them. They appear at the bottom of the thread.

  • Satanus

    The guy wouldn't know what an ethic was if it ran over him at 30 mph, horn blaring. (Actually, i feel sorry for him, but don't let up. Keep hitting him w truth (not 'the truth'))


  • Gopher

    Being a JW (and having to "keep up appearances") brings out the HYPOCRITE in a lot of people. No hypocrite wants to be exposed. So they use threats, blather and deceit to try to distract onlookers from what they're really doing.

    There's nothing wrong with wanting to play guitar. To say you're going to be a rock star is a delusion of grandeur, however. And trying to do that while playing the role of a JW, is just plain insane. (See also Prince and Michael Jackson....)

  • crinklestein

    Exactly. What I have not fully expressed is how full of shit this person has been in regards to music. He would tell me for the 10 years that I knew him that he used to be able to play exactly like Ynwie Malmstein but he had to sell his guitar for money and didn't play for a year. And when he bought a new one he forgot how to play. And it's taken him up until now for him to relearn. I DONT THINK SO. I used to play the sax but haven't for about 6 years and if I picked one up right now I would still be able to play, although I would be a little rusty.

    Even if you read his journal (which is under the name that I put on my journal for his posts) you can see his very confliction for yourselves. It's hillarious! In one of his posts he says that he wishes he was back in 1995 and then later on says that living in the past is wrong and that we need to live in the present. WTF? As you could see in our arguement he is full of contradictions. But as I said, it is very typical. One would not sway back and forth like that unless what they believed in was total bullshit. This guy is 36 years old and he acts like a 2nd grader still trying to figure out who he is and what he wants his life to be like.

    I've decided to start putting some of the truths on my Livejournal because I know he still reads it. I am sure he will report all of this to my old hall and that's fine with me. I don't live by their creed anymore and their lables have no power over me.

  • SixofNine

    y'know, on the one hand, this is all kinda funny, but on the other, the Den person is clearly suffering from mental illness. He is more to be pitied than laughed at, even though his positions are comical.

  • crinklestein

    I have had a person that was schooled in psychology tell me that he must have a mental illness. She said it's called a blocking. Where one part of the brain is not aware of what the other is doing. It's where a person cannot see what it is they are really doing and saying. This type of person will tell you to fuck off and then wonder why you're gone. It's kinda like how animals see their reflection and they don't recognize it as themselves. His reflection is his actions and words and he doesn't see them as being HIS actions and words.

  • SixofNine
    I have had a person that was schooled in psychology tell me that he must have a mental illness. She said it's called a blocking. Where one part of the brain is not aware of what the other is doing. It's where a person cannot see what it is they are really doing and saying. This type of person will tell you to fuck off and then wonder why you're gone. It's kinda like how animals see their reflection and they don't recognize it as themselves. His reflection is his actions and words and he doesn't see them as being HIS actions and words.

    I'm sure it's that, along with mind twisting, soul wrenching, back breaking amounts of guilt over every normal (and what he percieves as ab-normal) desire and human foible he encounters in himself. "The white jacket is your friend, Den, look, you can even carry the microphone if you tuck it in your arm!"

  • crinklestein

    You are absolutly right! The guilt that this person has over EVERY normal feeling he has is mind bending.He pines over some woman and then feels guilty for desiring physical pleasures. He wants to be a rockstar but then feels guilty for wanting too much of the world. Crazy bastard.

  • Robdar

    If I wanted to view a soap opera, I would watch television.


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