News! Building Committee Condemning Kingdom Halls!

by metatron 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • heathen

    funny, I keep thinking of the original congregations without any buildings at all . Maybe they should just try a tent in someones back yard . I think they are getting soft . For people who plan on a great tribulation and severe persectution they seem to always find ways and reasons to build new stuff . They always show pictures of people of congregation in other countries without even a tent for reasons of encouragement at how spoiled they are to have a nice building . How would anyone in the US like to sit on a rock for 2 hours during a boring meeting? I think an immediate decline in attendance would take place .

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee
    Pretty soon 50% of the congregation will be attending the meeting via video cam

    Now this is one cool idea. Go to the meeting on your web cam and report it here live hehehe

    Hmmm Blondie I can just see your weekly WT threads posted under those conditions

  • heathen

    Ladylee--- That way they couldn't critique the way you wear your clothes or how long your hair is . It would take half the fun out of it for a bunch of anal elders .

  • wednesday
    That way they couldn't critique the way you wear your clothes or how long your hair is . It would take half the fun out of it for a bunch of anal elders .

    It would also remove the only fun i had the last few years, laughing at what people wore and seeing who secretly had the "hots" for each other(fond looks across the hall-sigh)

  • ball.

    In the UK, there are many places where two congregations share a hall, and there is often a concensus amoung the elders to split and build a second hall. The reasons given are often the most pedantic even irrational, such as both congregations can't have the Sunday meeting at xx time.

    Reasons against are never considered such as the efficiency of having one hall for two congregations, bills split between two congragations, nearness of the end of this sytem, etc.

    Now I don't know if there is pressure on the body of elders from the COs etc to do this, and if so I guess the reason could be the society's wish to tie up some of their cash in property (they loan special purpose funds to the congregations who then pay it back through contributions at a preferential rate). This gets cash out of the coffers to a place which cannot so easily be accounted for, the property market, money laundering.

    At a local level, I think the body of elders take on such projects enthusiastically, and I'm sure not a small part of that is because of the jostling for power within the congregations and by inter-congregational politics.

    I have not been an elder, perhaps you may agree or disagree.

  • Carmel

    I was sure you were going to explain that the "indoor pollution" was coming from behind the podium like human radon!


  • Mysterious

    I wonder if they count these rebuilds in the new kingdom halls built worldwide.

    As for the sitting on a rock for two hours. I think that people in other countries are used to the harsh conditions and so it's not all the strange to them, but for sure people over here would never stand for it. The usual syndrome of being spoiled and not appreciating what you have.

  • Maverick

    I wonder if the very nature of quick-builds might be a problem. Many products are coated or manufactured with complex chemicals. These products need "air time" with ventilation to allow "outgassing". When a building is thrown up in a weekend, everything from wallpaper paste to carpeting to paint is drying out at the same time and in tight quarters. Some products will "wick" chemicals into their fibers and finishes. With the chemical cocktail brewed up at the site there is no telling how long, if ever these building will clear of the toxins. Maverick

  • rocketman

    I remember a situation locally, around 5 years ago, in which a sister and her hubby had to leave the cong. because of the newly built hall's materials.

  • Sunnygal41
    I remember a situation locally, around 5 years ago, in which a sister and her hubby had to leave the cong. because of the newly built hall's materials.

    That happened in our Cong! They were a wierd pioneer couple.........had very sensitive consciences, very hard line............she became very ill and they diagnosed her with fibromyalgia. Then we built a new KH and they had to go to another cong. which didn't last long because she got so sensitized to everything that she had to stay home with shades and drapes pulled.........she couldn't even go out during the day in the sun................if anyone wanted to go see her, they had to wash themselves and their clothing in a special detergent......a list of choices were given to sisters interested in doing was the wierdest thing anyone in our cong. had ever heard! Of course, there was the usual speculating going on "was she REALLY ill or was it all just made up?" Lots of unkind things were said by some................<sigh>...........I'm soooo glad I'm no longer part of that narrow mindedness and judgemental attitude.

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