What do you disagree with the Disfellowshipping policy?

by ClassAvenger 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • heathen

    I totally find they 6 months of shunning to be unscriptural . They clearly pulled that out their ass. I think alot of the apostle pauls writings were tampered with myself but also see alot of misinterpretation being done.


    Having had the experience personally 5 years and 2 days ago (the announcement), to be exact........................and just getting over the emotional and physical effects of it now.......................................I disagree with,

    • the power 3 men have in each individual case (non-scriptural)
    • the possibility for error because it's made up by the WTS and it's played by THEIR rules (non-scriptural)
    • the possibility for corruption because no-one else knows the details of the case (non-scriptural)
    • the use of witnesses that you not allowed to challenge, confront or even talk to at the hearing (non-scriptural)
    • the verbal and emotional abuse during the hearing (N/S)
    • the appeal option which is only there for legal security when in actual fact rarely helps the DF victim (N/S)
    • the total acceptance of the decision by the congregation
    • the shunning and cutting off of family, friends and loved ones (N/S)
    • the use of DF'ing to silence people and to withhold information from the congregation
    • the reinstatement procedure, which involves writing a letter (N/S)

    .............................just to name a few.

    Cheers, Bliss (of the not-so-ignorant-anymore class)

  • Sassy

    I think when a person makes a mistake and needs help, the last thing that should be done is give him/her the boot and take away your family and friends. What kind of love is that?

    What upsets me most about it, is the shunning of family members. It isn't natural to divide families and I don't think a God of Mercy intended it to be that way.

  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?

    As stated in the previous threads the foolishness of disfellowshipping in the organization is totally unscriptual. The behaivor of org members is so robotic and uninstinctive that its really scary. I remember as a youth my Mother and I literally ran away from a Brother who was disfellowshipped from another congregation while he was trying to yell at us that he was reinstated. But my Mother and I ran from him as if he was spreading eboli disease!

    I say that Witnesses live a life that is controlled in every aspect and they fear breaking apart from the rules so much. They'll convince you (like my Father use to when I was younger) that being independent is wrong and that Satan was the first independent thinker. Thus the high rate of mental illness in the organization and the even higher enrollment in the past few years of mentally ill persons.

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