What do you disagree with the Disfellowshipping policy?

by ClassAvenger 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Oxnard Hamster
    Oxnard Hamster

    I disagree with it because like with so many issues, the JWs are black and white about it. While I think it is sensible not to rub elbows with somebody with questionable morals and practices, that doesn't mean you have to just completely ignore them. If you can't so much as acknowledge a person's existence without falling to the dark side, then you have some serious problems, and maybe the disfellowshipped person isn't to blame.

    Second, it's like the JWs are kicking someone while he or she is down. I think in some cases, the JWs disfelloship someone when he or she needs help the most.

  • Mysterious

    I think one of the problems is there is no differentiation between things that could "corrupt" the congregation and offenses that don't really affect anyone else.

    Take someone who is speaking out against the organization. They could reason that this person would influence others and should be avoided. But is someone who couldn't give up smoking really that much of a danger to other people that they need to be totally shunned?

    That being said I don't agree with ANY disfellowshipping but this only makes the whole policy even worse.

  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?

    I feel if the org wants to expel members so be it. What really bothers me is that if they are supposed to be the true religon that follows the bible where do they come off with this entire procedure for reinstatement as Exelder has pointed out. 6-12 months of meetings a letter of reinstatement, study witrh elder upon reinstatement. And the fear that they instill in the members if you do talk with a DF'd member. And heaven forbid if family members want to speak to their own family members who are df'd.

  • corvette

    I think the only real disappointing thing about the DF'ing process is what this does to ones family life. How can a mother and father disown their own flesh and blood??? I have been DF'ed for approximately 20 years and it still hurts.

    It is also very difficult finding a mate because they do not understand why you have very little association with your family.

    I think this practise should me seriously looked into by the WTS. Also DF'ed persons should be able to take some sort of legal action against the WTS. Anyone who has gone through the DF'ing process is left with many scars.

    I could care less about the Brothers & Sisters in the congregation but it's my parents that the WTS was stripped me of and I hate them for that!!!

  • Lonestar13

    Forty and Corvette: That is the very issue I am facing. I live in a house of 5. Two are Jw and two are not. I am closest to the two who are not anyhow, and it just makes us even closer, BUT for the two that are, they have NOTHING TO SAY TO ME AT ALL. They walk around with their heads in the air (literally) and proclaim that its not their law its jehovahs law that tells them to do so. It hit rock bottom however when i was told that I must get out of my bed on January 2 (a day i had planned to take off from work) and leave the house for an hour or so while the meeting for field service goes on here (we currently 'borrow' use of another hall while ours is being built). funny thing, one elder said i could be there while another elder said i cannot. (My own house where I've lived for 26 years, i now need PERMISSION from an OUTSIDER to sleep in on my day off. ) evidently there is no jw protocol on the matter and instead of being reasonable and consulting THE BIBLE, they decide to make their own decision. I was told that if i just stay in my room and be quient it should be ok, but if i were to "cough and then someone downstairs hears it, that jah's spirit would be lost from the meeting for service" the point of all this: df'ing makes one not welcome in their own house, alienates and divides families and the mental torment from being labled is long lasting. Totally shunning someone is not in the spirit of AGAPE love.

    in talking with a few long time jw's though, there is a feeling that the current policies should be revisited soon....yeah right!

  • stillajwexelder

    If they were God's one true organization, everything should at lesat be scriptural -- this policy is not -- so they are NOT Gods organization -- that is what I have come to realize

  • Dismembered
    What do you disagree with the Disfellowshipping policy?

    That you can't neutralize those the elders who perform such despicable acts!

    Dismembered but not Dismembered

  • Xena

    SM62 pretty much summed it up for me.

    I'm not even d/fed but I am shunned by over-zealous family members who are somehow afraid they will become "infected" if they spend any time with me.

    if you have the "truth" what do you have to fear?

  • freedom96

    The df'ing policy creates an atmosphere of hatred, and of paranoria. You must not get too close to a df'd person, or you might catch what they had.

    I remember as a youth at my hall seeing df'd people, and the way people talked about them was as if they did some unbelievable sin. They were without a doubt very, very bad people. That is the impression df'ing had on me. Now to come to find out, they were probably just human. What a horrible way to treat people, and destroy families.

  • garybuss

    I have no disagreement with a book publishing corporation making rules for the people in it's employment and I have no disagreement with the adult book publishing corporation employees choosing of their own free will to shun and snub whoever they choose. Inversely, I am sure they have no problem with me shunning and snubbing them. They are my enemies. They have worked hard to earn that designation. I am proud of them. They have achieved a depth of disagreeable I had not imagined was possible. I can't imagine anything that would redeem them.

    I don't mourn them. I don't wish them to change. They are not good enough for me and my family and friends.

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