Why act ashamed?

by CruithneLaLuna 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • CruithneLaLuna

    Reading about people's "fades," I was just thinking: What would happen if someone who was still regularly attending meetings took the opportunity, in handling an assigned part (ministry school talk?), to announce briefly that they had spent several months investigating the WTS's claims and had come to the conclusion that their conscience, and a course of personal and spiritual integrity, required them to leave the organization. "So I am taking this opportunity to say goodbye, and that I hope that many of you will follow my example in undertaking an honest and open-minded re-evaluation of your faith." - or something to that effect.

    One could probably get a few short and pointed sentences like that out before having the mic taken away and being shown the door (especially if the servant body could be taken completely by surprise). For someone with sufficient courage and conviction, it might be a very rewarding way to make one's exit. I know that the circumstances would have to be carefully crafted, and would involve forcing oneself to behave unnaturally for a period of time, but ... can you imagine? What a powerful witness....



  • frenchbabyface


    This is something I know one of my sis could be able to do ! she did already somehow (not about this issue) but as a woman to get to the mic and now that they know about her behaviour they are scared to let her talk ... (LOL) ... because she's kind of pointing out every shit she found out ... I mean she is me Even more STUBBORN and MORE ARROGANTE ... A this level people can take it as she is INSANE !!! ... SO they won't hear what she would have to say anyway ... because they will think she's in transe and got de devil in her !!! LOL ...

    The other problem (she is still brainwashed ! able to say that the bible is full of shit ! but not able to realised that the WTBS is fooling her ... so just imagine ... the LEVEL of BRAINWASHING ...)

    But I would like to know if someone tried ... or did it ? And how it worked ...

  • Englishman

    I saw something similar happen once. It was during the Sunday WT study, and the article being studied was about short skirts, immodest dancing, that sort of thing.

    At one point "The Twist" was specifically referred to in the article. During one of the questions, the Mag/Territory servant suddenly stood up and said that he wanted to formally object to the societies stance re "The Twist" and that he would do the twist whenever he felt like it and he wasn't going to be dictated to as to what he did in his spare time.

    Everyone was totally stunned. My dad was taking the WT then and dealt with it as kindly as he could, but the Mag/Territory servant hung in there and would not retract.

    His name was Fred Chloe, BTW.


  • Gopher

    Our poster from the UK who goes by "Little Toe" here went out with a bang, during his public talk! Here is the thread where he discusses it:


  • frenchbabyface

    Very interesting !!! ... Little Toe BRAVO !

  • Smyler

    Wow.. i just read LT's post...

    Is LT's website still online? I can't find a link anywheres thru out the thread



  • cypher50

    The one thing I am glad about is that I found the strength not to fade. For some, family life could be destroyed though (never seeing children, spouses, close relatives) unless they fade...then again, that is what has happened with me. Still, I got a good 3 hour discussion with my brother and was able to put out all my feelings in that discussion...

    And yes, I wish I had the opportunity to give a public talk like that one poster did. Awesome way to show your faith & conviction...and much better use of a #2 talk then the regular "oh, let me make up this outline in 20 minutes" variety.

  • Euphemism

    At the last meeting I attended, I was lucky enough to get the #4 talk on "What does Jehovah require of us today?" Unfortunately, Piph and I were still trying to fade quietly at the time, so I couldn't actually go out with a bang. The thrust of my talk, however, was that the most important things for a Christian are faith and love (which is shown through giving emotional and physical support to our brothers and sisters), and that the preaching work and other forms of service were secondary.

    In retrospect, since we didn't manage to fade, I wish I had done a Little Toe. :D

  • AnnOMaly

    Although it would be sensational, amusing and satisfying to go out with a bang, like in the middle of giving a talk or whatever, I personally feel it would not be loving to family and friends - it would hurt them immensely. "Do to others as you would have them do to you" (even if you feel the people don't deserve it). It's also not about being 'ashamed,' it's about dignity and discretion.

  • Mysterious

    If I had no family ties I would have done just that.

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