by integ 29 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Heatmiser
    Tell them to F-off. Dont play by they're rules, and become truly free. When they come to your door, you don't have time for that nonsense. Just tell them bye bye, and don't even give them a second thought.

    Hi Shamus, I fully understand your wanting people to be free from the Borg immediatly. But some people are not ready to take the full plunge.

    I did exactly what you suggested and haven't regreted it one bit. I didn't even have a judicial meeting (at least not one I was informed about). I was young at the time (22) and our family was not all that close any way.

    ps If i accidently post your name wrong in the future, it is not intentional. Every time I type your name I have a problem with putting an "N" where the "M" is supposed to be (so it's "shanus"). I try to proof read my posts before I submit, but sometimes a typo or 2 still make it thru.


  • willy_think

    Hi Integ,

    It seems to me like you know what you are doing. All i can say is, it's good to see you are walking away with your head up knowing full well the fraud you are leaving behind.

    May you break the chains ot Guilt that bind you

    cut the web of lies that blind you

    May you free yourself from the pit of prophecy

    the WT will let your coffeur be

    when you set your self free

    free to lead, free to follow,

    free to make a better tomorrow


    good luck


  • Gretchen956

    Thanks so much for posting an update, I was wondering what happened. All the best in your fade, hope it works out for you. -and its not the first time I was called a demon, my mom called me demonized. o'course anyone not in the borganization is automatically demonized..... and hey, its not a bad thing! That one always makes me laugh! If they only knew!


  • seattleniceguy

    Hi Integ,

    Like so many others have already said, I too have been waiting with anticipation for the outcome of your story. It sounds like you're on the right path.

    I'll lose friend's, and they will be hurt by this, but maybe it could serve as an impetus for them to look at what's going on, and make the right move for themselves.

    I agree exactly. When a person chooses not to be a part of the organization anymore, it's as if he stands in front of the congregation and declares, "Upon serious consideration, I have come to believe firmly that this is not God's organization." I always hold out hope that this vote will affect someone, even if it is only one vote that regisiters subconsciously. You never know how your stand may affect others.

    Keep it up!


  • CruithneLaLuna

    I made the point with my kids that for me, following the "course of integrity" - to myself and "whatever Gods [and Goddesses] may be" - dictated the absolute necessity of leaving the organization. They have responded by accusing me of "lying to Jehovah" (about what? My dedication? I was as sincere about that at the time as I later became in my rejection of JWism), and I don't see how they could have actually assimilated my point without their own precious faith (mind-control / conditioning) being threatened. Anyway, I tried.

    Maintain your integrity, indeed. Do what your conscience requires you to do.

    With compassion / fellow feeling,

    Cruithne the Bard

  • seattleniceguy

    CruithneLaLuna's said:

    They have responded by accusing me of "lying to Jehovah"

    In my experience, too, this has been a common accusation. Another way of saying it is "not being true to your dedication." The implication is that you gave your word when you were baptized, and now you are breaking a vow to Jehovah. Witnesses will tie this up with the all-important concept of loyalty. My ex-roommate brought this up. My reply is:

    If a person refuses to change course upon learning new information, is that loyalty, or just stubbornness?


  • Special K
    Special K

    Hi Integ...

    Great to hear the update..

    I think it's great that you got to confront your "weasel blower"...brother in law..

    Doesn't it feel yucky to be betrayed by a family member who appeared to agree with you on some issues. I had that happen to me by a family member one time....

    I guess he has cooked his goose with you... as far as having any deep conversations about anything meaningful.

    You have time now to prepare yourself for exit from the J.W.'s on your terms. Try to build some new friendships and a support system outside of the J.W.s.. and then the transition out will go smoother on the psyche..

    best wishes integ..


    Special K

  • scrubmaster

    Here is what I say keep asking questions. Remember When Jehovah was going to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah -- Abraham Question him and even Moses got Jehovah to change his mind on destroying the Isrealites -- If the Almighty can be question and reason with -- then I know mere "men"--- can be subject to and question ---- !!!!

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    Hi Integ,

    thanks for the update. Good luck with everything; you have all of us for support. There has ben much good advice in the previous posts; no need for me to repeat anything. The decision you make will be right for you.

    regards, Frank

  • Globetrotter

    I agree with Shamus. Tell them to fuck off and to Shizzle your Nizzle.

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