Born Again?

by IT Support 61 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • IT Support
    IT Support

    Hi Bradley

    If you do enough research from non-biased scholarship you will see that the evangelical notion of being "born again" is not really Biblical. The correct translation in Jesus' conversation with Nicodemus is not "born again" but "born from above." Check it out.

    That's interesting. I just looked up the Interlinear and it says for John 3:3 (transliterated): "If ever not anyone should be generated from above, not he is able to see the kingdom of the God."

    In his Daily Study Bible, Barclay concludes that "To be born again is to be changed in such a way that it can only be described as rebirth and re-creation. The change comes when we love Jesus and allow him into our hearts. Then we are forgiven for the past and armed by the Spirit for the future; then we can truly accept the will of God. And then we become citizens of the kingdom; then we become sons of God; then we enter into eternal life, which is the very life of God."

    So I guess becoming "citizens of the kingdom" ties in with being "born from above."

    Or did you have something else altogether in mind?



    PS: I hope nobody minds the large font size: I find it far easier to read the screen, "see with what large letters I write."

  • IT Support
    IT Support

    Hi SS,

    Emptiness seems to be the nature of some spirituality, so don't feel like you're missing a lot.

    But in that case, surely the emptiness would still feel spiritual? I guess being brought up "in the truth" (sic) meant it was more an intellectual than spiritual exercise when I got baptised, even though my dedication was sincerely made, albeit that I felt under pressure that it was expected of me. And in the years since then, life's been too hectic to stop and think, or at least when I did, any such disquieting thoughts were quickly pushed aside. But now, thinking about things more, I don't feel I've ever had a personal relationship with God, even though I would like to...

    Unless you are specially gifted, you need an altered mind state to explore this area.

    That's the point of my original question. It seems that those who feel they are 'born again' have this intense spiritual experience without any such aids. This, in itself, is a confirmation to them of their Christianity. As I have no such feelings, is it still possible to be a 'proper' Christian without being 'born again'?

    Drugs can also help, but they are two edged, so go w the former.

    I'm not really into these! As an aside, I was searching the web for information on being 'born again' and came across this interesting site, for an unexpected twist on the subject:

    It's fascinating how this anti-Born Again site has many familiar undertones to anyone used to reading anti-JW sites!

    BTW, watch out for aguest and her ranting. She hears voices and stuff, but is somewhat confused.

    I'll take this advice in the spirit with which I'm sure it was given.

    Ps, eckhart tolle recommends a meditation that is focused on emptiness. It could be the emptiness in a room, the sky, or space. He claims that 'god' is in the emptiness, and so focusing on it could put on in touch. I haven't tried this, but it sounds workable and harmless.

    I'll look into it. Thanks. Ken

  • Satanus


    As I have no such feelings, is it still possible to be a 'proper' Christian without being 'born again'?

    Different christians will give different answers. As well, different christian groups have different views on what actual born again is. Some say you should feel something and start speaking in tongues, some say to just accept on faith and carry on. My own view is that you already have/are that spirit, and it only needs to be revealed. So, it's more of a removal of preconceptions, fears and limitations, than an addition of something new.

    An experience in a certain church is often construed by that church group as proof of ligitimacy of them, their teaching and their methods. I disagree w that. Pentle, catholic and many nonchristian spiritual initiations have many similarities. There is a book 'varieties of spiritual experience' by william james, who, i have heard lists and discusses many, many of them. Will look at that site later.


  • IT Support
    IT Support


    Different christians will give different answers. As well, different christian groups have different views on what actual born again is.

    So I seem to be finding!

    There is a book 'varieties of spiritual experience' by william james, who, i have heard lists and discusses many, many of them.

    The book can be freely downloaded from Project Gutenberg:

    (Two other of his books are also available here, Meaning of Truth and Pragmatism.)

    Marc Fonda's Notes on the book include the interesting statements:

    "James has a skeptical attitude toward religious experience... James is utterly disdainful of organized religion."

    I'll look over the book when I get some spare time!



  • archangel01
    To those who consider themselves Christian...

    Is it possible to be a Christian without being 'born again'?

    Did you get baptised again after leaving JWs?



    You MUST be BORN_AGAIN to be a Real True Christian.Or you won't even see that Kingdom nevermind about getting your foot in the door you won't see any part of it Earthly, Heavenly etc, if your not Born-Again. No Way around that Jesus Said So Himself! John3:3 Read the whole cha of it, Nicodemus is like your typical JW knows an follows all the laws but wasn't free he was missing something. An when talking to Jesus ("undercover" in fear so the elders wouldn't see him) Nicodemos found out he didn't know much of anything. He needed the Real Jesus and Believe an Trust in Him not a bundy of laws that can't take away sin. Remember Jesus Does what the law couldn't do Forgive All Sins like Murder etc etc ROMANS 10:4 and Saves completely Herbrews 7:25!

    Everyone can be Born Again not just 144,000 Read 1John 5:1

    Now for your Question on Baptize:That is a Yes an No answer let me explain. If you accepted the Lord(Alimighty God in the Flesh) as your Personnal Savior Then you should get Baptize asap. I did, I found a nice Evangelical Church to go too. I then talked with the Pastor and I got Baptized. If was very easy to do. Now lets say your going to get baptize or have plans too and you get in a car crash and died. God is not going to say well you didn't go under the water sorry. God is Not like that. Like the Repented Man next to Jesus on the Cross, He Believed in Jesus yet couldn't get baptize because of the sitution he was in. If he could he would of, get it. Yet he still was saved! So if you are Born-Again you need to get Baptize asap to let everyone know of your new found faith and it's peace of mind from coming out of that JW cult. You are able to get baptize if your able to type on this site. So Go look in the Yellow pages and get Dipped!


    Email me for more help if you need it [email protected]

  • Euphemism


    Yes, that was the quote from Franz I had in mind. Obviously, I was behind the curve on this one!

    Here's my thought: I don't think you can will yourself to have a conversion experience. If you want to practice Christianity, go ahead and practice Christianity. If God wants you to have a special experience, he'll give one to you, and you won't have any doubt. (Philippians 3:12-16 might be applicable here, particularly verse 15.)

    You may want to pray on the subject. You could pray for God to reveal the truth of this matter to you. Or you could do as archangel suggested, and pray for Jesus to come into your heart.There's just one problem with that: you have to have the faith that it will happen.

    Personally, I was in your situation about five months ago. I had left the WT (at least mentally), but I still wanted to be a Christian; and like you, I wondered about being born-again, whether I needed a conversion experience, etc. I thought about praying for Jesus to come into my heart, but I realized I couldn't. Something was holding me back: my fundamental doubts about Christianity and the Bible.

    You mentioned above that you're re-examining everything, including belief in Christianity and the Bible. So perhaps you need to do that first, before you worry about being born again. I think that if your Christian belief can pass that examination, to your own full satisfaction, your faith will be strong enough that you will be satisfied about your relationship with God, whether or not you have a conversion experience.

    Alternately, of course, you could end up like me. But then again, I'm quite happy with where I am.

  • JT
    Hey, there are all kinds of christians, about as many as there are ice cream flavors.

    I Agree

  • JT
    I still see what ever it say as completely nullified by the first line of nonsense about talking snakes and naked ladies

    one of my boys says the same thing-

  • ros

    Greetings, all:

    From my Bible study I have an entirely different perspective of "born again" than what the churches teach. Before I explain that, let me say that I was "born again" twice before becoming a Jehovah's Witness; first time at the conclusion of a summer series of Bible studies for kids sponsored by Baptists (age 10), and later in an off-shoot of the Church of Christ (age 14) which believed they were "the true religion". I later thought I was doomed for backsliding, beginning with going to a movie (Walt Disney?s Cinderella) and then later getting a job as usherette at a theater. So I came to Jehovah's Witnesses (age 18) with a concept of Christ as savior that was with me through my several years of JW experience.

    JT said:

    the bible teaches and its followers accept that if you don't have the classification of Born Again, God is going to Kill you-

    Only certain fundamentalist denominations teach that doctrine.

    You also asked how many Christians do not believe this. Well, first we should define what Jesus meant by ?born again?. In my opinion the Bible teaching is something very different from what the churches of the ?born again? doctrine teach. If you do a Bible search of the term ?born again? (exact phrase) it reports three occurrences: twice in John 3 when Jesus was talking to Nicodemus, and once in 1Pet.1:3. All three occurrences appear to simply be referring to resurrection imo.

    Remember, the Jewish culture uses symbolism to a great degree. (e.g., Jesus is bread and wine.) Also, the Jews were expecting the coming of Messiah to be a literal king who would conquer Rome and reestablish the throne of David to the temple in Jerusalem and the nation of Israel. That is likely what Nicodemus was inquiring about in John chapter 3. Jesus was trying to explain that his kingdom would not be of this world, so he said: ??no one can see the kingdom of God without being born from above.? This baffled Nicodemus, and he asked how one could be born a second time. Jesus replied: ?no one can enter the kingdom of God without being born of water and Spirit. (Remember, baptism symbolizes being put to death in flesh and coming to life in spirit?death and resurrection imo.) In fact Jesus goes on to say quite explicitly: ?What is born of the flesh is flesh, and what is born of the Spirit is spirit.? Later in the conversation, Jesus referred to it as understanding ?heavenly things?. (Also noteworthy, when Jesus speaks of ?wind? in the 8 th verse, it is from the same Greek word as ?spirit?.

    The only other occurrence of ?born again?: ?Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! By his great mercy he has given us a new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for you. (1 Pet.1:3--NRSV) ("born again" in the NIV and KJ versions.)

    It goes right along with ?flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God? (1Cor.15:50).

    So if that be the correct understanding, then, of course, one would have to be ?born again? (i.e., resurrected a spirit) to enter the kingdom of God.

    But it's not an earthly, dramatic, momentary, Holy-Spirit experience of getting "saved". I find no scriptural support for that doctrine, and it never happened to me in my preJW religious experience.

    As for getting re-baptised: Some Christians feel they should be rebaptised because since 1980-something the dedication was to the Watchtower Organization. Baptism generally is understood to mean faith in Christ's redemption. If that was your understanding and intent, then why should you need to be rebaptised?


  • LittleToe

    P*ss off, you ignorant thread-crashing b*st*rd!!!

    Just in case you missed my point - you never addressed the question entertained by the original post.
    If ya want to start one on the stupidity of Christian belief, feel free to start one of your own...
    I usually like ya, bud, but I'm bordering on getting pissy with you for real There's far too much Christian bashing going on at the moment, and we ARE a minority, ya know!


    I don't go for all that fancy frenzy stuff - I find it a bit of a turn off.
    I've never spoken in tongues, but I've experienced some pretty cool stuff, pretty much exclusively outwith an emotionally charged situation (it's a bit of a distraction, actually).

    IT Support:
    I would claim to be a "born-again" Christian, but I don't frequent charismatic denominations. I've tried them, and have no problem with those who prefer that mode of worship, but it's not up my alley.

    I got re-baptised, after I left the JW's, as I didn't feel my original baptism was valid. I was raised as a 3rd Generation JW, complete with it's doctrines of Jesus, and so wished to be baptised using the more appropriate scriptural formula.

    Personally I don't believe it's possible to be a Christian without being born again, but there is a wide range of experience that falls into this category, as previously mentioned.
    My own experience was dramatic, but I've heard of others who can't place when it happened within several years of accuracy.

    My definition of it is having a personal relationship with Christ (if you have the Son you have the Father). That definition contains no denominational or doctrinal (e.g. Trinity) bias, as my "conversion" occured when my thoughts on Christ were merely that He was more than I had previously been taught (I was still a JW Elder).
    I didn't stay at that stage, but that's the process of learning (allegedly by the teaching of the Holy Spirit).

    I hope that helps a little.

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