Mad Cow Disease in Washington State

by Smyler 33 Replies latest social current

  • Mysterious
    ok I admit to not reading the article, please feel pity on me and skip to the good part. Where in WA did this incident occur?

    The sick animal came from a farm in Mabton, Washington, about 40 miles southeast of Yakima.

  • Thunder Rider
    Thunder Rider

    I once wrote a song for Sheila about mad cow disease. It was kind of a love song.
    I'm serious!

    Merry Christmas

    Thunder ===}>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

  • gumby
    gumby looks as though my ass is grass!

    Last night I just cooked up a nice tri-tip on my roticery...."just set it and forget it". So far I have not foamed at the mouth, or had any trouble in my 'gait". If in 4 or 5 years I start posting'll know I caught the disease


  • RunningMan

    Cowboy is completely right about this.

    BSE can appear spontaneously - a single case, unrelated to any feed or contagion issues.

    Even if you eat a cow with BSE, you will not get CJD unless you eat a portion that contains the prions (brain, etc). You are many, many times more likely to be killed in a car accident on the way to the grocery store to buy beef than you are to get CJD.

    And, yes, the US cattle industry used the single Canadian case to put up some trade barriers that benefitted them financially. The trade barriers were completely useless, because the Canadian/US cattle industry has been virtually seamless for years. The biggest problem from all of this is that the Japanese will go ballistic.

    When you consider the bacteria that are routinely found in pork and chicken, you are still far safer with beef than with other meats.

  • concerned mama
    concerned mama

    Cowboy and Runningman are correct. It has been a really tough year for Alberta ranchers and anyone associated with the cattle/beef industry. The whole country has suffered from the US barriers.

    Beef in your diet is especially valuable for women, as it contains more iron in a well absorbed form.

  • Simon

    I heard some American spokewoman on the radio today doing exactly the same thing that the British politicians did years ago when BSE first surfaced here:

    "Keep eating beef, it's perfectly safe ... I'm going to be giving it to my family on Christmas day"

    Anyone remember the MP feeding his young child a beefburger for the cameras?

    I am surprised that Canada hasn't slapped on a ban as quickly as America did when the roles were reversed. As it is, this has the potential to have a big impact on the economy both for the immediate jobs and for related businesses.

  • SheilaM

    Thunder did make a cute ditty on it something akin to "I've got Bovine S. E. for YOU....BSE it's true.......Sight so romantic

    It is freaky but I wonder if it is from eating parts you shouldn't like sweetmeat, brain etc....

  • RunningMan
    I am surprised that Canada hasn't slapped on a ban as quickly as America did when the roles were reversed.

    Well, there wouldn't be much point in this. Canada is a big exporter of beef to the US. We import almost nothing. Especially since our own mad cow showed up, almost all beef consumed in Canada is local.

    The US ban on Canadian beef has been partially lifted, helping our beef industry. Our best case scenario is if the border were completely opened.

  • missylissy

    *phew* good thing we're having turkey for christmas dinner eh smyler?


  • Smyler

    lol, yeah, two of them! woot! Bring on the food!

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