What's Wrong With Christmas?

by shamus 12 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • shamus

    What the hell is wrong with it?

    I used to love christmas when I was in "the world", before my stupid dumb ass conversion into the cult. Well, it was, at times, very depressing time of year, too, as I suffer from depression.

    But that is a clinical condition. It has been fixed. And it's not depressing at all.

    I did some Christmas baking for work, where we do an exchange. At first I was VERY STRESSED OUT, because I have never really baked a lot... and I asked a lady in a department store for some cookie cutters. I told her how freaked I was, and she just told me to relax and have fun. It will work itself out. And it did.

    That is all the stress that I have felt this Christmas Season. Except for shopping, things are normal.

    Where is all the greed?

    Where is all the unhappiness?

    I find that ALL PEOPLE are happy this time of year, EXCEPT for Jehovahs Witnesses. They are the ones who are "stressed out" and sad... not people in the world.

    What do you think about Christmas? Is it really so "pagan"? Are you all drunk and having orgies right now, because of too much food and drink? I think not.

  • Scully

    I LOVE Christmas!! The baking, the decorating, the exchange of gifts, sending cards, the music, the time that we spend with the people who matter most... that's what it's all about... tell me, please, where are the "acts of false worship" in doing those things? How is it a bad thing to show generosity and appreciation for others?

    Remember how JWs would self-righteously say "Well we give gifts whenever we want! We don't need a special day on the calendar!!" yet they rarely gave gifts, only when they were obligated to do so due to a special occasion like a wedding or bridal shower or baby shower??

    Sometimes I wonder whether this is just one more money-grubbing technique of the WTS: demonize special occasions like holidays where gifts are traditionally exchanged, so that they can make more financial demands on their followers....

    They really need to change the name of that cult to Jehovah's Cheap Ass Witnesses!

    Love, Scully

  • blondie

    The Watchtower Reprints, December 1, 1904, p. 3468

    "Even though Christmas day is not the real anniversary of our Lord's birth, but more properly the annunciation day or the date of his human begetting (Luke 1:28), nevertheless, since the celebration of our Lord's birth is not a matter of divine appointment or injunction, but merely a tribute of respect to him, it is not necessary for us to quibble particularly about the date. We may as well join with the civilized world in celebrating the grand event on the day which the majority celebrate - 'Christmas day'."

  • kgfreeperson

    Well, I think a lot of people find holidays stressful for lots of reasons. But it is great fun to be able to vicariously participate in your joy as you get into the spirit of the holidays and thoroughly enjoy yourselves! May you all have the Merriest of Christmases and the Happiest of New Year's!

  • sens

    I love Christmas..!!!!

    BtW...welcome back Shamus!!!

  • Country_Woman

    N O T H I N G ofcourse

    I love this time of the year - even if I don't do anything special for food
    (being invited to diner at Viv on the first X-mas day and at one of brothers the second day.)

    Have a great Christmas Shamus (wish you could let me taste one of your cookies)


    I celebrated Christmas from birth until 13/14.

    Then I was JW for about 8 years, then started to celebrate it again: at first, it was very weird.

    But....eventually, it grew on me, and I really got to like it.

    I loved exchanging Christmas cards. Go to fun parties. Exchange gifts. Enjoy such incredible warmth and happiness.

    People can go on about how pagan it is, but I have not seen anything bring together so many people of various backgrounds and nationalities as Christmas has.

    Nothing wrong with it at all of course, and it's fun, and I'm enjoying it immensely.

    Thanks to so many who sent me a card, and a little 'item' that was so sweet and kind of you all.


    Best wishes,

  • peacefulpete

    What's wrong? Thats easy, it was adopted too late. If the myth had been incorporated 50 years earlier Jws would be celebrating too. I find the holidays now to be a sort of anniversary of friendships. For some reason because of our busy lives need to have a day marked on a calender to say we love you.

  • Soledad
    What do you think about Christmas? Is it really so "pagan"? Are you all drunk and having orgies right now, because of too much food and drink? I think not.

    oh yes I am!! joking!

    only when they were obligated to do so due to a special occasion like a wedding or bridal shower or baby shower??

    and I believe those celebrations have pagan roots as well.....why should the JWs be so selective is beyond me.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Like everything else in life, it is what you make it. It can be all about money, things, toys, et al., it can be a spiritual event wherein one can find a connection with their God, it can be an opportunity to bond with friends and family or it can be a holiday rooted in pagan symbols, materialistic goals and something to be rejected.

    But at the end of the day, it's our choice what to make of this time of year. We choose. So let the choice be one filled with love for others, while being a part of who we really are.

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