Light Getting Brighter

by awokenjw 13 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • awokenjw

    Hello, maybe someone on here can make some sense out of this:

    One of the reasons why JWs are so quick to believe any changes from the GB is that they believe the light is getting brighter. Now there have been some teachings that to my knowledge changed at one point but then were reverted back to the original teaching. The one that comes to mind is the Superior authorities mentioned at Romans 13:1.

    So then would it be safe to assume that the light got dimmer when the teaching was first changed and stayed dim before it was reverted back to the original? I can't think of any more teachings that were changed twice or more ending up at the original but I'm sure there are more.


  • Divergent
  • Finkelstein

    The WTS has always operated on a ever changing highway of information from the earliest days of CT Russell and his belief in Pyramidology to Rutherford making up a fictitious date on his own such as 1925.

    In reality the light got brighter by the very fact that the light was never there for the IBSA and the Watchtower Corporation.. Doctrines were created more so to attract attention to the literature the WTS published on its own.

    People who get themselves deeply immersed in this organization have an enormous amount of devoted respect to the executive directors of the organization namely the GB members, well that's the way the WTS. indoctrinates people to do exactly that. .

    Another thing to note is that the majority don't realize that some doctrines or teachings have reversed to a previous position, they just read the present and scoop it up like its all new.

    Even when the doctrines have little scriptural support such as the overlapping generation, its presented like its new light, thank you Jah for this new light.

    Mind control brain washing is definitely imposed into people who are JWS., so being that Jehovah has picked this organization out all Christian based faiths, the teachings are pure and the best that man can do.

    To question the teachings is paramount to question God himself and the WTS also instills a high level of guilt toward its members who might dare.

  • awokenjw
    These are both great points. It is particularly noteworthy to consider the teachings that get changed back to the old ones. Because if the light got brighter to cause a change why was it reverted back to when the light was supposedly dimmer. It's really amazing how brainwashing can cause and has caused some to ignore simple thinking.
  • tim3l0rd

    The generation changes is a recent example of a flip-flop.

    1927 - 1951: Generation = anointed

    1951 to 1995: Generation = those born before 1914 (a limited time frame)

    1995 - 2008: Generation = wicked men who don't accept the sign (no time frame on when the generation will end)

    2008 - 2010: Generation = anointed (again open ended as to when the generation will end)

    2010 - current: Generation = anointed from 1914 that overlap with another group that live during the first groups lifetime (back to a limited time frame for the generation)

  • stuckinarut2
    More like the light bulb got smashed, then replaced with a candle and then replaced with a fluorescent tube, then replaced with another candle , then replaced with a long life bulb!
  • stuckinarut2

    AND: the question is, Did Jehovah get it wrong, or was the claim to be "spirit directed" in teachings a wrong assumption!?

  • awokenjw
    If Jehovah did get it wrong, what reason does he have to support a lie taught at that time? If anything more people's lives were destroyed in believing those lies
  • fastJehu

    This is - how the GB try to explains this:

    *** w81 12/1 p. 27 par. 2 The Path of the Righteous Does Keep Getting Brighter ***
    2 However, it may have seemed to some as though that path has not always gone straight forward. At times explanations given by Jehovah’s visible organization have shown adjustments, seemingly to previous points of view. But this has not actually been the case. This might be compared to what is known in navigational circles as “tacking.” By maneuvering the sails the sailors can cause a ship to go from right to left, back and forth, but all the time making progress toward their destination in spite of contrary winds. And that goal in view for Jehovah’s servants is the “new heavens and a new earth” of God’s promise.—2 Pet. 3:13.
    BUT - this is, what the bible says about "tacking":
    (Ephesians 4:14)  in order that we should no longer be babes, tossed about as by waves and carried hither and thither by every wind of teaching by means of the trickery of men, by means of cunning in contriving error.

    Or this WT:
    *** w92 8/1 p. 17 How Are You Running in the Race for Life? ***
    Run “Not Uncertainly”
    16 Seeing the strenuous efforts needed to succeed in the race for life, Paul went on to say: “Therefore, the way I am running is not uncertainly; the way I am directing my blows is so as not to be striking the air.” (1 Corinthians 9:26) The word “uncertainly” literally means “unevidently” (Kingdom Interlinear), “unobserved, unmarked” (Lange’s Commentary). Hence, to run “not uncertainly” means that to every observer it should be very evident where the runner is heading. The Anchor Bible renders it “not on a zigzag course.” If you saw a set of footprints that meanders up and down the beach, circles around now and then, and even goes backward at times, you would hardly think the person was running at all, let alone that he had any idea where he was heading. But if you saw a set of footprints that form a long, straight line, each footprint ahead of the previous one and all evenly spaced, you would conclude that the footprints belong to one who knows exactly where he is going.
  • konceptual99

    If you want a proper example of the "light getting brighter" then you can do no better than look at the scientific method.

    It is very rare nowadays for something to come along that completely changes an existing theory. So much is verified and peer reviewed that new information simply adds more detail, exposes something previously unknown or verifies a prediction that previously could not be proven.

    If you were to take something like gravity or general relativity and go back through the evolution of our current understanding you will find it like the layers of an onion, each modification building on previous knowledge. There will be an "eureka" moment where it burst onto the scene and wiped out some superstitious teaching (usually dogmatically supported by the Church) but after then it's about increasing knowledge not flip-flops, u-turns, complete change to understanding.

    The way we understand the world around us through science is a true analogy for the light getting brighter. The changing doctrine of Jehovah's Witnesses with contradictory teachings replacing previously establish "truths" is the shite getting shite-er

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