After Disassociation or Disfellowshipping, can u still pray or read bible?

by NaruNaruChan 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • undercover

    Disfellowshipping is a punishment. It means you cannot associate with others socially or spiritually. It does not mean that you cannot pray, study or read the Bible. It is hoped that you do actually study(their publications) and pray, realize your mistake and come back to be reinstated. That's the WTS stance on it.

    As someone else noted, this may not be your issue. Sounds like they may have said some hurtful things to you, making it hard for you to want to go back. It would be easy for us to say, "Good, don't go back", but this time away from the influence of the WTS does give you oppurtunity to search and see just what you do believe. Pray, read, study. Not just WTS publications, but other publications and faiths that interest you. Be open minded, think for yourself. You may become agnostic or athiestic. You may like another religion. It's up to you.

  • TuningFork

    Recover your "identity". This is what the dub stole from you.

    You are a beautiful person. I once said to a psychologist, "I wasn't good enough for the religion." She turned around, looked me straight in the eyes and said, "The religion was not good enough for you!" This was another step for me....... And, I've been out for almost 30 years.

    I once thought, and perhaps one day still, that I would publish a book named, "The Day They Took my Imagination Away". (I was only 6 at that time)

    So, head and chin up my fellow prescious being. Stand tall - be proud of who you are! Don't let anyone or any thing change who you are inside. Be patient and gentle with yourself. Do not give the dub's the gratitude of seeing you beat yourself up! They are the abusers - just shoo the thoughts away of unworthiness when they come up. Oh, my friend! You are so worthy of being - SO WORTHY. And, do whatever you see fit in doing. If that's reading the bible, fine - if not - then that's fine too. YOU WILL NOT BE PUNISHED ETERNALLY for the decisions made after disfellowshipping. The Universe is not made that way.

    My love extends to you,



  • LittleToe

    If you really want to, I'd suggest you pick up a copy of "The Message" by Eugene Peterson.
    It's a translation of the bible in modern, contemporary language.

    I'd suggest you start by reading the Gospel of John, and read it like a novel.
    I'd be interested to know what you think of the "Jesus" portrayed there.

    I should just add that to the best of my knowledge it's not a sin to pray to Him (Jesus), though if it is I'm in big trouble too so you'd be putting yourself into poor company
    I'd suggest holding off on that step until you've read about Him firsthand, though.

  • Sassy

    After Disassociation or Disfellowshipping, can u still pray or read bible? ...because I can't, not after what they said to me.

    Dec 16, 2003

    Well I didn't get df'd or da'd, but because I made the choice to stop being a JW, and am doing activities that they would feel are a dissfellowshiping offense, I must admit, I have not yet been able to feel 'worthy' of praying, nor have I picked up the bible to read. I know it has to do with all the JW brainwash training we received, that if we didn't tow the line and do things 'just so' then we are damned to death. And yet I also know it is wrong. If that religion is wrong, then that training is wrong also, and we have to let go of the chains that drag us down to dirt. The one thing we do know, that if the bible is true (and I am yet of a thought that it is, just that we have been misguided by it), then there is a merciful God in heaven and he reads our hearts and he will somehow show us the way, even if it takes a while. If there isn't a God, (which I yet do not believe), then praying to him and reading the bible is not important. so either way, things will work out.

    What I do know for me I need is to take the steps to read some of the literature to help me rid myself of the feelings still trying to hold on to me from JW land. I think then I'll be able to find my answers without guilt. Maybe that will help you too.. I've just been too busy yet to sit down and read... but as soon as i am moved and have the time, I am going to make it a priority.

  • Sunnygal41

    Naru, don't rush things..........allow yourself to heal gradually............I've been out 5 years and last night I heard a former elder's voice on my radio at work.........he's driving bus........I work in the BOE in the transportation dept...............and I was totally overwhelmed with so many emotions! First I was excited, I wanted to pick up the mike and say hi.............then the sadness hit me.........this man would not accept me at a friendly level because I'm DF'd. I can't even stand to look in my Bible most of the time............and my BF is a born again.........but we respect each other's beliefs.........mine are earth based the native americans or Wiccans. I was bummed all night because of hearing his voice...............the sadness and depression comes when I see or hear former friends..........and the anger when they snub me.............


  • Sunnygal41

    I love how Seattle Nice Guy summed his points up, and I totally agree with all of them! I do not look upon the Bible as an authority anymore, or written by God, and I certainly cannot stand the God of the Bible whatever his name is.....................


  • JamesThomas
    I've been noticing more an more that I'm more atheist than anything else because I don't have a great attachment to God or spirituality. I've mentally grouped it as a pseudoscience. Any thoughts?

    Perhaps a mean-vengeful-little-anthropomorphic-patriarchal-deity does not ring true within your heart. Good for you; and if people call that an "atheist", so be it. My suggestions are to let-go beliefs about "God" and "spirituality", and just be honestly and sincerely with life by kindly embracing what the universe is presenting to you at the moment....and see. If there is a God it will show Itself...if not, who needs it. j

  • NaruNaruChan
    . I could be wrong, but the issue doesn't seem to me to be dfing or daing... the issue seems to be that you no longer believe in the Bible.

    That's exactly what it is. If i may say so you guys are so awesome. That's exactly what i needed to hear, that it's ok to be this way, because it resurfaces in such a way that it damn near disables me. My semester grades are shot because of the depression, which adds to the "I'm a failure" feeling.

    I don't think i'll ever be any form of christian again, not because of jws so much as because I really just don't buy what the bible tells me. it's too... bigoted, fake, etc. You all know it, I don't need to reprocess the info and put it out. Thanks for the support and hugs. You all made my day worth it.

  • logansrun

    Double Edge said:

    Go with your heart

    I say:

    Go with your head.


  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    Double Edge said:
    Go with your heart

    I say:

    Go with your head.

    Wrong..... If the current day logic persuaded Columbus, he would have ended his days retired from boat rowing in Venice. Instead, he followed his gut (heart, instincts, better self.... whatever) and conviction that as weird as it seemed at that time, the world was indeed round.

    The heart wins "heads" down.....

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