How important is the Devil to God?

by Narkissos 37 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • frenchbabyface

    Narkissos : J'avais pas remarqué le drapeau !!! Mais oui tu est français... C''est cool, ça me manquait vraiment (t'es donc un ancien TJ avec qui je vais pouvoir discuter en français ! merveilleux ...

    Il en a un autre "Chasson", mais à moins qu'il n'ai posté ces 2 derniers mois ou je n'étais pas très présente ici, ça fait longtemps que je n'ai pas de nouvelle.

    Je vois que tu es là depuis septembre ! ... Dis-donc tu t'exprimes super bien anglais, je t'envie. J'ai du mal à m'exprimer moi et des fois ça crée des malentendus ... pas facile je te jure ... Alors je me demande ce qu'ils ont compris de ce que j'ai dis (peut-être la confusion totale ... si c'est le cas alors je ne sais pas ... bon je pourrais faire des efforts, mais j'ai d'autre priorité sque de parfaire mon anglais ... en plus quand j'ai envi de parler c'est tout suite pas demain ou quand j'aurais fini d'apprendre si toutefois ça existe ... enfin bref)

    En tout cas ça fait plaisir ... je me sens moins seule de ce coté là
    (t'es en France ? Si ça ne te déranges pas de répondre à ma question ?)

  • LittleToe

    Narkissos:I pondered that, given the symbology of the four living creatures, with their animal faces, in Revelation and Ezekiel. The WTS explanation is laughable.

    The main detraction from that opinion is the prevalence of triune gods, in contrast to quadrune ones.

    As for the "feminine" aspect of the Holy Spirit, I've held that opinion for some time.

  • Yerusalyim

    Marx was wrong in a lot. His basic economic premises were incorrect. Dialectical empiricism a joke. I've read Marx since the age of 16 (way back in 1980). I was even a Socialist at one time. Reality and Marx have little in common. Marxism as practiced, even less so.

  • acsot

    FrenchbabyFace: Je parle français aussi. Tu t'es bien exprimé en anglais; j'aimerais voir les américains te répondre en français aussi bien que tu leur répondes en anglais!

  • ClassAvenger

    Not very important.

  • greatteacher

    Whether he was "right" or "wrong" Marx contributed much to socio-economic theory. It's very hard deny that fact.

    With that aside, it seems as though the devil is necessary to the bible story. I mean, if anything goes wrong, blame it on the devil. One example is when jesus took the demon (ruled by the devil) out of the man and put it in the pig who ran off the cliff. I love that story. Praise JEEEESSSSSSSSUS!


    That can't really be a picture of you. If it is, do you remember Sgt. Slaughter from the AWA?

  • frenchbabyface

    Oh ben Ascott ... Je ne savais pas non plus que tu parlais français et couramment ... Ca fait bien plaisir ! ... Ca me fait penser qu'il y a beaucoup de Canadiens ici ... et toi t'es d'où ? (Si la question ne te déranges pas) ... Tu pratiques courament le français ou c'est ta langue natale ? ... J'ai pas perdu ma journée moi ... j'suis bvien contente

  • acsot

    frenchbabyface: je t'ai envoyé un message personnel.

    I'll stop hijacking the thread now.

  • frenchbabyface

    You said:

    It seems that every control freak religion have need a devil for a god (in this context to me they work together)
    even in phylosophical religions (good and bad works together as balance)

    I do not agree. There are religions who do not see "The Devil" or "Bad" as an entity. You mention the philosophical idea that good and bad works together in a balance - well being pagan I would say that your summary of that idea is over simplified at best.

    I can only speak from my own standpoint. As a pagan, I don't acknowledge a harmony or a balance between divinities or entities who are "good" and "bad". I don't even think that there are two forms of energy that are "good" and "bad". What I believe is that there are different types of energy. Death is not "bad" for instance, because death can be beneficial and can produce necessary change - it is transition. Similarly fear serves a purpose which isn't always negative (e.g. the fear we feel when teetering on the edge of a high cliff....causing us to back off for our own safety).

    Mainstream Christianity is the modern result of ideas from years ago of an all loving supreme God and an all evil Satan. Not all religions adhere to that idea.


    Sorry Sirona, I'm saurais met some frenchies on the road, and swiched the subject.
    My answer was regarding to the question ... So much religions (I don't even know about !!!) I give two types of example that was not an ABSOLUTE statement ... I don't believe myself in a god (spirits, maybe, other kind of live maybe) ... I don't have any religions ... I just want to have a chance to live in peace (not sure it will happen)

    I agree with the fact that death is not bad (maybe needed to feed mother nature ... (transition in little pieces ?) who knows ?) I agree with fear too,! and with the Christianity Mainstream !

    I even agree with the different kinds of energies (in this place we could talk about : electron (+) neutron (-)) ... basically ... and yes so many others ... Sorry for the swish I was just happy to find some frenchies and ... well you know ... Ascot ... ok ... going to check ! Thanks !

  • Narkissos

    Thanks everybody,

    Sirona, I found your post very enlightening. Your "pagan" view is in tune with the old "polytheistic" perspective which makes up the deepest and oldest strata of the Bible texts -- when there were not yet a God and a Devil. It really convinces me that "monotheism" is basically related to moral dualism: it emerged under the cultural influence of Persian dualism indeed!

    Still I'd like Christian believers to express how important or unimportant the Devil is to their belief in God. Maybe ClassAvenger's lapidary comment was from this viewpoint (???). Come out, come out, wherever you are! We Frenchies (and/or shameful Marxists) will behave...

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