WORLDWIDE REPORT 2003 Grand Totals.

by Blueblades 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Blueblades

    For those who don't have the new 2004 Yearbook.

    Branches of Jehovah's Witnesses:...................................................109

    Number of Lands Reporting:..............................................................235

    Total Congregations:..........................................................................95,919

    Worldwide Memorial Attendance:.........................................................16,097,622

    Memorial Partakers Worldwide:.............................................................8,565

    Peak of Publishers in Kingdom Service:...................................................6,429,351

    Average Publishers Preaching Each Month:................................................6,184,046

    Percentage of Increase Over 2002:..............................................................2.2

    Total Number Baptized:.................................................................................258,845

    Average Pioneer Publishers Each Month:.......................................................825,185

    Total Hours Spent in Field:................................................................1,234,796,477

    Average Home Bible Studies Each Month:................................................5,726,509

    During the 2003 service year,Jehovah's Witnesses spent over $80 million in caring for special pioneers,missionaries,and traveling oversers in their field service assigments.

    What does this report reveal about the current feeling of the Governing Body,do they continue to believe that they are guided by Jehovah's Holy Spirit which includes the 8,565 anointed ones.As they await the great tribulation which will arrive with a sudden shock .More on this Yearbook will follow.

    Feel free to add your comments.


  • stillajwexelder

    What interests me is "are the total hours per publisher" going down or up --- I have divided the total hours by the average number of publishers which gives an average of 200 hours per publisher per year -- or 17 hours per publisher per month. (rounded up) -- does anybody have 2002 totals -- I do somewhere but have not got the figures at my hand right now. If peak publishers are used the figures are 192 hours per year per publisher and 16 hours per month.

  • Joker10

    ALthough they didn't increase in remarkable numbers,there is good news for them. They have been able to retain more members than in the past years. Australia, U.S., Germany, Netherlands, New Zealand, France, Italy, Spain and other develop countries had more growth than in the past. In the U.S. right now they are approaching a new peak of bible studies, and even hours, as well as the number of publishers. I see more growth than this years 2.2%.

  • metatron

    Why would anyone believe statistics generated by a religion that publically lies

    about child molesting and countless other matters?

    The publisher counts are false - I (and many others) are fake publishers.

    Also, they started counting 15 minute publishers this year.

    If anyone really thinks this "increase" is real, ask yourself why they keep begging

    for money and cutting every thing possible. If the publisher increase is real, why does

    the Governing Body fear assimilation and remark that JWs aren't maintaining urgency?

    (Annual Meeting talk)


  • Joker10

    Metatron, why would anyone believe, you say? Because studies and census research does match WT figures.

  • expatbrit

    Just as an aside here, one would expect an artificial increase this year because of the change in counting method to the 15 minute threshhold, which took place in the middle of a service year.

    Thus, last year had the benefits of approx. six months of the new counting method, and showed an increase. This year had the benefit of a full 12 months of the new method, and reasonably should also show an increase becasue of it.

    Which means that in places like Canada which recorded a big fat 0, the result is very bad indeed.

    Next year of course, the stats are likely to return to the long term trends i.e. stagnation. Unless they cook up another statistical dodge.

    Finally, changing the method of counting and not highlighting the change in a year to year comparison is incompetent at best, and blatantly dishonest at worst. And in economics, a company changing its methods to make its results look rosier is a classic sign that the company is in trouble.


  • metatron

    What studies? What census research?

    True or false: They "changed the rules" by counting 15 minute publishers.

    True or false: They have been putting more and more pressure on people to write down time - in effect, elders strong-arming people.

    True or false: Baptisms are down again - yet, SOMEHOW publisher figures continue upward.

    True or false: many people who visit this site testify that , they too, are fake publishers.

    True or false: the Society openly, deliberately, and consciously lies to the friends - and to the public

    Example: JW's are the "happiest people". The Awake in particular published many articles

    on depression, largely because it was becoming such a problem in congregations.

    Eventually, the subject became such an embarassment they decided to deliberately

    lie about it - and falsely assert the opposite. They also instructed elders, in a letter,

    and congregation members, in the Kingdom Ministry, not to co-operate with studies

    or statistical inquiries into the organization. They don't want their lie exposed.


  • integ

    It's all a bunch of crap. How can we trust these numbers, when they can alway's lie and say it's theocratic warfare intended to "encourage" the flock?


  • jst2laws


    Do you have the Peak of Publishers in Kingdom Service or the Average Publishers Preaching Each Month for the previous year handy. If so do a little computation please and see what the difference. I always like to compare the ACTUAL PUBLISHER INCREASE to the number baptised to see approximately how many walked away.


  • Blueblades

    Sorry Jst2laws,2003 went the way of the shredder.We don't hold on to the books anymore.

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