
by fulltimestudent 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • fulltimestudent

    If someone commits financial fraud, they commit a crime, and can be punished (jailed).

    But if someone commits a religious fraud, western society does not see that as a crime.

    On another thread, a poster pointed out that the JWs, "literally steals peoples lives and causes horrendous damage."

    Of course, the JWs are not the only religion to practise religious fraud. All sorts of large and small religions make unverifiable promises and ask for financial support on the basis of their promises, which is precisely what financial defrauder does. The financial defrauder promises "give me your money and you will get x% back." The spiritual defrauder promises, support me financially and you will get enormous spiritual benefits (not to mention everlasting life).

    Western societies are wrong to allow spiritual fraud under the guise of freedom of religion.

    Everyone here would have been richer if religions were banned.

  • prologos
    Everyone here would have been richer if religions were banned. except the religious fraudsters.
  • Heaven
    Religion is legalized fraud.
  • fulltimestudent
    prologos : Everyone here would have been richer if religions were banned. except the religious fraudsters.
    Ummm? Aha! Yeah, there are only ex-religious fraudsters here. (grin)
  • atomant
    Jw's use emotional fraud more happiness in giving than receiving crap.Like when the little girl gives up her pocket money as a donation.JW's are right up there with the banksters.
  • pbrow

    At the end of the day, jdubs do not steal peoples lives. Individuals choose to follow a set of beliefs. Individuals choose to shun family members. Individuals choose to withhold blood related medical treatment. Very painful i know but this is where personal accountability comes in and why it is so important to either get out completely and/or actively work at helping others to get out.

    Religeous freedome is extremely important. Even more important though is the ability to question and rebel against religion.


  • fulltimestudent
    pbrow : At the end of the day, jdubs do not steal peoples lives. Individuals choose to follow a set of beliefs. Individuals choose to shun family members. Individuals choose to withhold blood related medical treatment. Very painful i know but this is where personal accountability comes in...

    Would you really argue that someone perpetrating a financial fraud is NOT guilty, because his victim voluntarily invested his money in the fraud? Does personal accountability become a factor in financial fraud?

    pbrow: ... Religeous freedome is extremely important.

    Why so?

    And - If religions (organised religion) were banned, individual thought would not be banned. Only the organised propagating of religious dogma would vanish.

  • SAHS

    fulltimestudent: Everyone here would have been richer if religions were banned.

    Well, I’m not so sure that outright banning of religions would be the best option because that might put a monkey wrench in our Western freedoms and separation of church and state, which ensures free belief for everyone; HOWEVER, the one thing which we should hold every religion to, which all commercial businesses have been held to all along, is: full disclosure up front.

    If religions want to go around telling people their bizarre and fanciful ideas and stories, that’s one thing; BUT, they should be honest and up front about what is really involved down the line (i.e., shunning, blood transfusion ban, no holidays, etc., etc.).

    Just like on the TV commercials advertising psychic hotlines when they display in the somewhat fine print something like: “For entertainment purposes only,” or “Individual results may vary.” Full disclosure.

    So, if various religions want to exist and peddle their wares, as they will, then I suppose that could be tolerable under a truly free and democratic society – as long as they’re just honest and upfront about it from the beginning! And then, if some folks still want to go ahead and indulge themselves in the fantasies being preached and peddled, well, then I guess all the power to them. At the very least, they’ll know what they’re really getting themselves into – because they would have been properly forewarned, as they really should be.

  • pbrow

    In my mothers mind it is worth the choice to shun me because the end goal is that she will live in paradise. I can disagree, I can argue with her but she is choosing to believe despite all the evidence. How could you possibly think it ok to ban her beliefs? So unless her beliefs are the same as yours then you would say they should be banned? What part of totalitorian or "thought crime" do you not understand? What thoughful person or group would you propose being in charge of banning ideas? I personally can think of NO ONE that I would want in charge of my view on how the world works.


  • nonjwspouse

    What should be banned is the emotional blackmail practiced, and the ability to hide the financials.No " get out of jail free card" to hide behind claiming it is religious freedom. Murder, child abuse, emotional abuse, abuse towards any person., et al should be banned, and if a organization will not practice without that abuse, then that organization's ability to practice the illegal behaviors should be banned.

    There should be full disclosure of all moneys of any non profit organization, religious or not.

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