Have JEHOVAH ever supported WARS between his WORSHIPPERS?

by Longlivetherenegades 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • waton

    forget please who did what in procedures.

    assume that the bible account was meant by the ultimate editor to read like it does. think of the victim.

    the account teaches that the precious life of a woman, brought to a terrible end like that, will be avenged by the elimination of tens of thousands that by associating were connected to it.

    rapists take note.

  • Longlivetherenegades

    Thanks @ neat blue dog and your comment too

    The post is to see the essence of using not going to war by JWs as criteria for being true Christians. When an account like that of the judges existed. The idea of Christian killing Christian at war don't sit well with the JWs but JWs kill fellow JWs with policies and doctrines without going to war.

    One can only imagine where the difference lie.

  • fulltimestudent

    waton, will you expound further on the claim you made ...

    You wrote, " the account teaches that the precious life of a woman, brought to a terrible end like that, will be avenged by the elimination of tens of thousands that by associating were connected to it."

  • waton

    fts: I am just stating the facts as the account unfolds. 100ds of thousands of woman have died like that since 1937, the start of ww II, and we are supposed to have evolved since the time of the judges.

    The account supposedly proofread by the creator of the universe makes no apologies for the total loss of life. in this incident all confined to the 13 tribes. & territory.

    If there is a kernel of truth to the scriptures, the morals of the story is, -- expect massive loss of life if you abuse woman or it happens in your territory. thank you.

  • Drearyweather

    More than a war, the story reads like a case of internal strife and a case of revenge.

    So a few men rape a concubine of a homeowner the whole night, who dies in the morning. When other tribes asked the Benjaminite tribe to give out those men to put them to death, they refused, and instead decided to war against them.

    In the war, the Benjaminites end up getting killed and annihilated.

    God’s arrangement was that each tribe had a group of Older men that were qualified to judge these kinds of cases.

    Yes, it was God's arrangement. But what happens if the same judges shield the gang rapists? Remember, rather than punish the rapists, these men decided to wage war against the other Israelite tribes and even killed 22,000 of their men. On the second day, they again killed another 18,000 Israelites. What should the Israelites have done in reply?

    What were these Benjaminite 'judges' doing in the city? The case was now not just judging those few rapists, but an entire tribe who was ignoring the existing laws.

    Jehovah himself arranged for the justice and punishment to be meted out. The law is not bigger than the lawmaker.

    Morally, there is no place in this world for people like Benjaminites who support and shield gang rapists.

  • waton

    Who today would fit the profile of perpetrator of such night time violence? any violence?

    The young men on the loose, teenagers even, rioting, celebrating in the streets, whether it is Watts, the Netherlands, Vancouver, Hamburg, Paris.

    Parents will not hand them over easily, laws protect youth offenders.

  • EverApostate

    The Middle East wanderers fought many wars. And one of their tribes had Jehovah as their tribal (Imaginative) god.

    And they inserted this Jehovah - doing this, doing that, - into their Self Styled Exaggerated history, what we now call the Bible.

    That’s the reality

  • waton

    righteous Lot offered his virgin daughters to be gang raped, it seems to have been a favoured male past time.

    The deity retaliated by killing all life even remotely associated. living in the same jurisdiction. or so the "inspired" story goes.

    sadly the moral lessons, threats have not stopped the practise.

  • ShotWhileTryingToEscape

    Our own moral outrage blinds us to the obvious reality that women were relatively worthless during this time. The concubine’s torture and death did not trigger the bloodbath that led to more atrocities. It was the besmirched honor of a Levite man that mattered.

    The parts of the concubine were sent around , Israel gathered and they asked” what exactly happened ?” And the the Levite said “ These men wanted to kill me. “

    Then he adds” So they raped my concubine to death.” ( But he never says outright that he shoved her into their arms)

    The rape and murder of a woman was a property issue( check out the Law of Moses). But the rape and murder of a man was a capital offense.

    This Bible story reflects a God of disorder and brutality . Even if Jehovah did not support the war he is still guilty. As others already have said: if God just let it roll then he is as blood guilty as the worst in Israel.

  • Diogenesister
    ShOtWhIlStTrYiNgToEsCaPe The rape and murder of a woman was a property issue( check out the Law of Moses). But the rape and murder of a man was a capital offense.

    This ^^^^^^^^

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