News report on Sydney, Australia JW convention: all is well in JW-land?

by Gopher 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • heathen

    The reason that jesus submitted to the baptism of John was not because he was converting to christianity but to set an example for the people of Irael . John did not baptize in the name of the father son and holy spirit but was only a show of repentance for the nation so all the people that John baptized the apostles had to rebaptize after jesus died and ascended to heaven . jesus was born anointed with holy spirit he did not have to appeal to God for a clean conscience even tho the spirit came in the form of a dove and God also made clear that jesus was the holy one of Irael before the apostles . IMO

    I think people should be batized as adults as we know that kids are just too immature to set an example .

  • Poztate
    so the converts will be aged between 11 and 80.

    Ah yes those very mature 11 year olds.Never let it be said that we would allow someone to be baptized who wasn't fully mature and able to think for themselves.

  • Poztate
    They had beer there? That would make the asemblies a lot more interesting!

    It would really be interesting in the lineup that always happens with the woman's bathroom.

  • greven

    What sane parent would let their child drive a car at age 11? Or better example: marry at 11 years old? None right? Because at that age the youngster is to inexperienced to fully grasp what lies ahead: responsibilities, accountability, commitment etc etc.

    Now it is often said that baptism is the most important decision one takes during his entire life. How then is it possible to make such a commitment at age 8?! That's ludicrous!


  • ozziepost

    Ludicrous too that such an 11 year old child could be DF and shunned by their family throughout their growing years!!! Now that's child abuse!

  • Garnet

    The weekend I was baptized, a 5 year old red headed little girl was baptized....yes, 5 years old! The girl could speak very well for her age and was very smart, but to make such an important decision in life, 5 is not the right age. I was turned down 2 times for baptism because "I was not spiritually ready enough *cough...cough...meeting attendance*" to make such a decision, but a 5 year old is???? Remind me again why I listened to the elders????


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