Secret literature

by HarryPotter 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • SadElder

    Though it's been about three years since I was an "eldub" I have never seen nor heard of a CD just for elders. The written instructions to the elders are that the 'secret' book not be stored on any electronic retrieval system. Some elders I know do have such things downloaded, but the R&F dub elder wouldn't have a clue as to how to accomplish such a thing anyway.

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    For an organization that boasts of having ``the truth" it sure goes to great lengths to be secretive and to restrict access selectively. Lots of cloak-and-dagger and Byzantine intrigue in the Spirtual Paradise!

  • simplesally

    Eyebrow, the Pioneer book was not really like the Flock book at all. The Flock book has guidelines, questions to ask in different situations and directves in certain situations.

    The Pioneer book is really just a book of questions, sometimes having a scripture, Wt publication or a WT article pointing you to the desired answer. There are sample Topics for Discussion. But in reality, if one had read the WT and AW throughout the years, there's nothing in there the average dub won't already know. The Pioneer Service School is just intense study of many publications in 2 weeks.

    The Pioneer book is really not to be shared because most of the information that ends up in the book are your own personal answers in your own handwriting. I spent the two weeks at school, plus tons of homework on the weekends and nights looking up all the cited information and then writing heartfelt answers in the book. Thats really the part you don't want to share.

  • HarryPotter

    Yes, It exists because I have got onformation form it and I was told that by en elder who told me. He did not intend to do it but his tongue was faster.

  • Eyebrow2


    that is the BEST explanation I have heard...that actually does make sense, that it is your personal answers etc. Why the heck didnt they just say that? and keep a blank one in the library so people could see the kind of things that were taught at pioneer school.

    thanks for your answer...

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