Ponderings of a Worldly Person

by Nevuela 44 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Landy

    ...and his tombstone to this day has Illuminati symbols on it.

    No it doesn't.

  • freddo

    Well said Landy.

  • Barrold Bonds
    Barrold Bonds

    Can I have what the OP is smoking? That's gotta be some good shit.

  • Nevuela

    Landy - You're absolutely right. There IS a difference between being open-minded and being a gullible idiot. One key difference is that open-minded people don't twist other people's words around in order to build an argument against them for the sake of feeling superior. They take the other person's words at face value and offer a civilized, cohesive rebuttal, and if both parties continue to disagree on a subject, they accept the disagreement politely and refrain from name-calling (e.g. "gullible idiot") because ad hominems are at the bottom of Graham's Hierarchy of Disagreement (Google that and learn something, please). Open-minded people also do not assume they know everything. The more a person knows, the more he knows he DOESN'T know.

    Yet again you are oh so certain that you understand what I am trying to say, when in reality you continue to twist my words around to suit your desire to troll me. How many times do I have to tell you? I said THE. THEORY. MAKES. SENSE. TO. ME. At no time did I say I actually believed the Illuminati are controlling the Watchtower. Do you not understand what a theoretical conversation is? If you can't reply to me in a civilized, non-snarky manner WITHOUT deliberately taking my words out of context, then you can leave this thread. Unless you apologize, I am ignoring you from now on.

  • Nevuela

    Barrold Bonds - Wow, you just think you know everything, don't you? Can I have what YOU'RE smoking? It must be nice to feel that level of absolute cockiness.

  • A Ha
    A Ha

    As a theory, bigfoot makes sense, but that doesn't mean it's sensible to give it credence without evidence.

  • jws

    LisaRose wrote:

    There is a certain type of person who likes to think they have some special knowledge that other people don't have, which us why they are drawn to conspiracy theories, like the illuminati. . That same type of person, if they are a JW, likes to claim to be of the anointed, as that makes them feel special also.

    I think there's some crossover. When I was a JW, I felt that way. I felt as though we had special knowledge of what the Bible really meant and what was in store for the future. And that made me feel special.

    I have an ex-JW friend that always believes in the conspiracies. When I try to pin him down on who exactly is behind the conspiracy, he cannot be specific. Sometimes it's the Masons, sometimes it's Illuminati. Sometimes it's Satanic Cults. Wait, last time you said it was the Illuminati doing such-and-such, now you say Masons. Which is it? He can't answer. How can you know it's happening but not even know things like that? Sounds to me like he's missing a few too many facts to jump to any conclusions. And he believes Obama is going to help the UN take over, etc. (Better hurry, time's running out). And when his plans aren't realized, like the Witlessness, he will not falter. He'll just find some reason why plans were delayed, but still coming. Poor guy. I feel sorry for him. He says that with God, he has no fear, but he's constantly looking for conspiracies behind everything. To me, that's fear.

  • Landy

    Landy - You're absolutely right.

    Thank you.

    There IS a difference between being open-minded and being a gullible idiot. One key difference is that open-minded people don't twist other people's words around in order to build an argument against them for the sake of feeling superior. They take the other person's words at face value and offer a civilized, cohesive rebuttal, and if both parties continue to disagree on a subject, they accept the disagreement politely and refrain from name-calling (e.g. "gullible idiot") because ad hominems are at the bottom of Graham's Hierarchy of Disagreement (Google that and learn something, please). Open-minded people also do not assume they know everything. The more a person knows, the more he knows he DOESN'T know.

    I didn't call you any names. And there is s a big difference between being critically open minded and accepting any crackpot theory that comes my way as 'making sense'. But you crack on.

    Yet again you are oh so certain that you understand what I am trying to say, when in reality you continue to twist my words around to suit your desire to troll me. How many times do I have to tell you? I said THE. THEORY. MAKES. SENSE. TO. ME. At no time did I say I actually believed the Illuminati are controlling the Watchtower. Do you not understand what a theoretical conversation is?

    Ok, so why does the illuminati controlling the WBTS 'make sense' to you?

    If you can't reply to me in a civilized, non-snarky manner WITHOUT deliberately taking my words out of context, then you can leave this thread. Unless you apologize, I am ignoring you from now on.

    Oh :(
  • Thisismein1972

    Landy. I find it interesting that you go on the defensive by belittling people who don't necessarily believe in your world view. Does this not sound a little familiar?

    Honestly. Attacking someone for what they or may not believe is pretty childish. You go on believing what you believe and let others believe what they want to believe. This is called free will. We all are entitled to it you Know!

  • Landy

    Landy. I find it interesting that you go on the defensive by belittling people who don't necessarily believe in your world view. Does this not sound a little familiar?

    Well ffs, if we can't bellitle illumunati theories, what can we belittle?

    Honestly. Attacking someone for what they or may not believe is pretty childish. You go on believing what you believe and let others believe what they want to believe. This is called free will. We all are entitled to it you Know!

    Asking how her illuminati theory makes sense hardly comes under the heading of attacking her does it? And putting your crackpot ideas on a internet discussion forum is asking for them to be discussed/challenged. Or are we only allowed to write 'it's nice that you believe that dear'?

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