What did you do to while-a-way the meetings?

by uriah 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • uriah

    When I was young (sigh) I had to go to the meetings, they always went overtime and man, were they dull. No coloured pictures to look at in those days. To amuse myself I used to play little games like how long could I hold the radiator pipe (hot). When I got a watch I used to see how long I could hold my breath - 2 mins at the time. This game had drawbacks in that I went red-faced and squirmed at lot as the 2 mins came round. Have you ever tried to gasp for air quietly? I could only do this if I was at opposite ends to my mother otherwise a rolled up watchtower would put an end to my game. How many of you used to draw flags on top of the mountain on the WT cover or little men having battles on the tower. As I got older (sigh) the games became more complex - I was put in charge of the sound system and used to see how far to feed back I could get by twiddling the controls. Anyone remember setting up the records (Big black round things made of vynal(sp?)) ready for the song. As I got even older (double sigh) the games became more cerebal like going off into a daze and when coming to trying to guess what paragrah we were on and always hoping it was near the end, but never was - paragrah 4a blah blah blah.ZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzz

  • jackal

    Man, they used to drag on, didn't they? Funny, I remember seeing how long I could hold my breath, too. The dizzy rush afterwards was good for about another minute. Once I hit puberty, though, I'd drift off into sexual fantasies about the girls in the hall. (My knowledge of the details was sketchy in those days, so they tended to be short PG features, not full-length X-rated movies.) But it was the sisters' fault, really, for immodestly showing all that bare ankle.

  • Tuesday

    Oh the fun that was had. I used to dialate and undialate my pupils thereby making everything blurry and un blurry. I used to try to sneak candies into my mouth without making the wrapper crinkle. I used to count how many people were paying attention, I used to yawn constantly just to see how many people were looking at me as opposed to looking elsewhere. When I did the microphones I would always fill my pockets with change to see if the mics picked up the sound. Then I would stomp really hard to see how I could echo the sound throughout the hall. At assemblies I would count the amount of bolts in the rafters, I would see how long I could stay in the bathroom before my mom tried to come get me. I once stayed in the bathroom so long they ended the meeting without me....well that was the bookstudy, which was like 10 people in all so they were freaking out. I'm sure there's more too I just can't remember them now.

  • Nosferatu

    My childhood memories of the meetings are quite faded. I can't really remember what I did to pass time.

    One thing that I did as a child was come up with an alternative alphabet for the english language. I would write little notes in this alphabet in the publications which only I could read.

    I mastered the art of daydreaming. Someone else on here mentioned "selective hearing" and whenever a scripture was mentioned, I would open my bible and find the appropriate scripture, then return to daydreaming. After a while I would just find the right bible book.

    I also used to chew a lot of gum at the meeting. I would fill my suit coat pockets with loads of foil balls. During the prayer I would remove the plastic caps off the piping of the chairs and deposit the foil balls into them. I filled quite a few chairs like that. It sucked when I got caught.

    Sometimes I would waste time looking for the funniest bible scriptures (like Jeremiah 25:27)

    When my depressing started to hit, I began self-mutilation. I would scratch a spot on my hand continuously until it began to bleed. I still have scars.

    Another thing I would do is time the talks in the TMS. I wasn't officially doing this, I just wanted to know when I'd hear the pencil tapping.

    I remember when the meetings would go overtime. I used to get really pissed, and I was always tempted to yell "F**K, SHUT UP ALREADY!!!"

  • Carmel

    Oh how I remember counting the holes in the tiles on the ceiling for hours.. You'd think that would only last one meeting, but actually it was more interesting that the blather from the podium..

    Of the easily entertained, class


  • Tatiana

    Underlined all the "sex" words in the Bible. (I think Leviticus was the best! ) Mom thought I was studying so hard!

  • LuckyNun

    Jer 25:27 is my favorite scripture!!!

    I remember looking up 'naughty' words in the index, so I could find some juicy scriptures. or reading Song of Solomon and insewrting the hot brother of choice as the guy's character.

    I used to write in my journal while pretending to take notes. some day my kids are gonna be snooping through my journals, and wonder why there're so many scriptures in random places.

    Steph told Erin she didn't want me at the sleepover, but Erin's still going. why does she hang out with her? I wish this meeting would hurry up, I want to go to Little Ceaser's for lunch! Gen. 2:5. David Hunter just looked back at me, I swear! we're going over to his mom's house tonight for some reason. I hope he's there! oh, god, Jason Clay is carrying mikes. at least he's cuter than Eric Gomez. I wouldn't go for either of 'em, tho'. Lev. 5:21.

    because my mom was so pleased with my note-taking, she never paid attention to what was actually written. she'd glance over and see scriptures and give me a big theocratic shit-eating grin! that's why!

    OMG WTF MOM?, LOLZ!!!!1111111KDIEPLZTHX!!!111

  • Country_Woman

    they are still dull
    during the meetings ? yawning and hoping to be able to NOT fall asleep....

  • berten

    In my last year or so as a JW,I sneaked out the hall and went to play the latest video and pinball games

    at the local arcade (This was the early eighties) getting back just in time to hear the closing song

    and prayer while I took my place again at the back.

    Of course this had to come out and one member of my family said "If you're not interested why don't you just stay away?".

    So I did ...

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