How old were you when you left the borg?

by Iamallcool 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • ScenicViewer

    Started studying at 16, baptized at 19. (Not born in, but converted.)

    Left at 53.

    As mentioned above I waited too long, even after seeing things that didn't add up. It's no wonder that Watchtower encourages you to 'ignore your doubts.'

  • Gorbatchov

    Pimo at 25. Fading at 38. Leaving at 42.

    It started in 1995 with the this generation change when the rank and file got the blame, "some believed that...".


  • redpilltwice
  • incognito2014

    36 after being in for 30 years. 21 years have passe since then. Best choice I ever made.

  • HappyDad

    Baptized at 23, seven months after I married a wonderful JW girl. Attended my last meeting ever in 2003 (Memorial), when I was 56, I'm now 73.

  • mikronboy

    Baptised at 12, left at age 25. Learnt to smoke, drink, party, play poker. Grew my hair long, bought a sports car. I've stopped smoking.

  • DesirousOfChange

    I am thrilled to read that so many left much earlier in life than I did.

    Once again, I see that I am a "slow learner".

    It was a VERY SLOW process for me. I guess I just really wanted to believe it all. I didn't want to admit I had been so gullible and totally deceived. I stepped down over issues that disturbed me 10 years ago, but I still believed most of it even just 10 years ago. But I joined here 9 years ago so I guess that's when I decided I could "risk" actually signing on to this bunch of (lovely) mentally diseased apostates. Still, I associated as a PIMO for another 4 or 5 years. At this point, I don't think anyone thinks we are JW's. At the best, they might think we are "stumbled". So I'd say that I "left at 59" because I don't want to admit that I waited until I was 60.

  • RolRod

    physically walked away around 30, mentally and spiritually around 25

  • JayDubyaDotOrg

    Hey this is a good thread for choosing my lottery numbers.

  • LongHairGal


    Um..over forty. But, at least I wasn’t raised in the JW religion and never lost memories of what life was like before I made a wrong detour and experienced things I’ll never forget.

    I was able before long to feel like my old self again when I began my ‘fade’... The feeling of Freedom again? Priceless!

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