Its not my fault

by incognito2014 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • incognito2014

    Assume for a minute that God created everything. There was nothing before him and everything is because of him. Every single thing in the universe he is directly responsible for.

    Somehow the good stuff we should thank him for but the bad stuff is nothing to do with him, it is our fault.

    This world that he created that was “good” has turned in to a right shitshow but despite being absolutely responsible for it from start to finish it is not his fault and in fact he has somehow turned this round so that instead of being to blame he is the person who is going to sort the problems and we should be thankful.

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze

    The "problem" is that he created freewill.

    There really is no "problem of evil" like some maintain. All he had to do was to make us without the ability to choose. ..... no more "problem of evil".

  • Magnum

    Sea Breeze, I think the "problem of evil" is bigger than just the bad produced by the free will of humans. What about all the horror and suffering in the animal realm? I know there is a lot of it caused by humans, but I'm referring to that which has nothing to do with humans. What about all the horror and suffering that occurred in the animal realm before humans appeared on earth?

  • waton

    Look at the google image right now, depicting art of the earliest humans. They already were bound fascinated by the animal kingdom. consider,

    on balance there is much more joy than terror, Thode species that thrive, play the balance card well.

    I am deeply grateful for the medics that provide painkillers for me. Nature has the already built in, for the horror moments. as I know Would you think plants will give up blooming, because most seeds, fruit end up being eaten?

    accept and embrace what we have,

    there can not be survival of the fittest, no fit place to live for some life tp end, all the time.

    The present is all the time we have. for now.

  • pistolpete

    I think the "problem of evil" is bigger than just the bad produced by the free will of humans. What about all the horror and suffering in the animal realm?

    I remember a few years ago, my entire way of thinking as to why God allows suffering—took a complete 360 degree turn.

    What happened is that I was given a baby kitten that was found in the street and he was so small that in order to survive, I had to bottle feed him and care for him till he was able to eat himself. It was hard work because it wasn’t just once a day. It was every two hours for about a month if I wanted him to live.

    This cat grew up and believed I was his father. He followed me everywhere and always wanted me to pick him up. He slept with me, sat on my lap when I watched tv. Followed me to the bathroom and waited beside the door until I came out. As soon as I came home from work or school. he ran to meet me. I went through my teenage years and became an adult with this cat. I got very close to him.

    Then one day he started getting sick. I took him to the vet and spared no amount of money. I was willing to pay thousands of dollars to keep him alive. After spending about one thousand dollars, the vet told me that there was nothing they could do anymore to help him. I told the vet “Please, I will pay you anything you want, just keep him alive”

    The vet replied, “I’m sorry, it’s his time, he has lived more than most cats” He lasted 15 years. I was devastated, I took him home and wrapped him in a blanket and sat with him all day and all night.

    The next day early in the morning, he let’s out this eerie cry and looked at me and tears starting coming out of his eyes, then he took his last breath and stopped breathing. To this day it has been the worse day of my life.What I saw that day Haunts me to this day.

    It was at this point in my life that I started considering the possibility that even if there was a God, he was not at all interesting in helping us or the animals.

    This is when I starting noticing that the world was made with prey and predator. I started doing research on animals and their suffering. What I started finding out, messed me up for a couple of years. I remember reading this statement;


    "The total amount of suffering per year in the natural world is beyond all decent contemplation. During the minute that it takes me to compose this sentence, thousands of animals are being eaten alive, many others are running for their lives, whimpering with fear, others are slowly being devoured from within by rasping parasites, thousands of all kinds are dying of starvation, thirst, and disease.

    Then another person made this comment that pounded the last nail on my belief in the God of the Bible----not necessarily The Real Creator.


    God made animals with pain receptors. Many animals especially the kinds that we eat the most can feel physical pain exactly the same way as humans. Many of those animals can and do suffer psychological trauma just like humans as well.

    Yet God not only condones people killing and eating animals, but God created animals with the capacity to suffer while already knowing full well that they would. Then for a long period in history, he demanded humans to slaughter and sacrifice to him just because he enjoyed the act of devotion.

    This direct encouragement of the suffering of the innocent is entirely inconsistent with tri-omni nature.

    If God couldn’t create a food cycle for all creatures that didn’t include suffering, then he isn’t omnipotent.

    If he didn’t know the system would lead to suffering then he isn’t omniscient.

    Now if he could of done better, if he could of made a food cycle that didn’t promote suffering, but chose not to.

    Then he’s not only lacking in omni- benevolence but many would argue he is a Sadist.

    ‘Whether animal life and human life was Created this way or it came about by accident, this was the reality of it all and I had to accept it.

    What I do now - Is Go out of my way to be kind to animals. I have tons of cats that come to my house each morning and I feed them every day just like this guy.

  • Sanchy

    Christians will typically resort to "free will" as their argument to explain suffering. This concept of free will though fails to excuse the many natural evils present in "creation". God created earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, lightning, cancers, parasites, viruses, venomous snakes, poisonous spiders, sinkholes, etc. These evils have nothing to do with "free will", but can be directly attributed to (the supposed) God.

  • joey jojo
    joey jojo

    Pete, I remember hearing that dental problems causing gum disease and painful complications from that are the cause of most deaths in animals.

    The bible says that all men sin and therefore must die. Ok, whatever, being sinful and have to die is one thing, but if death is payment, why is suffering necessary? Why can't everyone get 80 good years and then die? Why do kids have to starve to death? Why are babies born with fatal illnesses, diseases, deformaties? Isn't dying and losing everything and everyone enough payment.

    These are the questions that make me believe that a loving God is a myth.

  • incognito2014

    Free will is simply an excuse. God should not need humans to make excuses for him. If free will caused the fall from grace then free will was a design fault. It made 100% of the first humans go wrong and 33% of the angels.

    The whole Adam and Eve nonsense (which is laughable from every respect) meant that this free will caused the humans to sin for the most trivial and ridiculous of reasons.

    God is just like many modern politicians, he over promises and under delivers. He boasts about his achievements but it's never his fault when he gets it wrong.

    In fact, in that respect the Governing body are very godlike.

  • Fadeaway1962

    It's not my fault something a narcissist would say.

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze

    I didn’t mean to over simply the magnitude of the consequences of free will. It goes much further than just evil among humans.

    According to the explanation in Genesis, Adam was basically King of the earth and was given dominion over the land, sea and all creatures in it.

    Adam chose to disconnect from the Source of life and as a result came under a curse. His dominion came under a curse as well, animals included ...and everything started to decay.

    But, I agree. If God claimed to have originally made the earth as we now see it, then it could not have been pronounced “good”.

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