Blacks attack Asians and other races but the fake news is silent

by mickbobcat 20 Replies latest social current

  • mickbobcat

    The press or fake news I.E. NPR, ABC,NBC,CBC, CNN, PMSNBC, all are suspiciously silent. As blacks rampage around killing, attacking and looting the press says nothing to see here move on. And they wonder why we don't trust them.


    Don’t you know that everything bad is done by White people?

    Black on Black crime = White People

    Black on Asian crime = White People


  • JoenB75

    Thankfully you guys have the FBI statistics that bluntly demonstrate the racial distinctions.

  • silentbuddha

    Funny enough those blacks are the group with the most hate times committed against them... 10 fold compared to other groups.

    In fact whites still commit more hate crimes against Asians than blacks.

    To be fair there were only a couple hundred antiasian hate crimes committed in the last two years, so the reporting is blown out of proportion.

    The problem here is that the place is becoming an echo chamber and as long as you say something about the blacks there is a gang of five that will applaud whatever you say

  • mickbobcat

    If you are trying to tell me that your stats from the gov is something I should believe you are full of shit. First off its not 10 fold even if you take the gov bull shit stats. Second the gov in invested in lying about almost everything. Blacks are the biggest group in prison today and its not because they were railroaded its because they commit a large portion of the crime in this and most other countries. Blacks are around 10 to 12 percent of the US population and commit around 40 percent of the crime. Now you can say they were not given free phones and Obama bucks and that is the reason, or that someone may have had their great great great great grand mama as a slave and that is the reason but its all bull shit trying to make excuses for poor behavior. Black culture is not ready for prime time.

  • JoenB75

    "Blacks are around 10 to 12 percent of the US population and commit around 40 percent of the crime. " Blacks got a problem for sure, progressive blacks have pointed out that often.

  • silentbuddha

    "If you are trying to tell me that your stats from the gov is something I should believe you are full of shit. "

    So whose stats do you believe? Universities, your friends?

  • nonjwspouse

    I found helpful source of real news - more than one point of view.

    "Breaking Points" free on you tube but subscription based as well.

    Saagar and Krystal, formerly from "Rising", on "The Hill", broke off on their own to get out of corporate media. In the first week they rose to the top of all podcasts, beating the corporate big guys. The channel is entirely funded by viewer donations.

  • silentbuddha

    Wow a downvote for asking someone what stats they believe. You guys are so far gone it is ridiculous


    Krystal and Saagar appear to want actual facts as opposed to belonging to a club. I do enjoy listening to them as one of my news sources.

    I highly doubt white people commit the most crimes against Asians. As a matter of fact I’m pretty sure I heard the exact opposite, but it’s a matter that should be discussed.

    It’s definitely inappropriate to jump on the SJW bandwagon of #Stop ( Insert the group ) Hate because it’s cool to blame American for everything, or white people.

    If you want to know who to blame, it’s the Elite Globalist Pukes and their underlings who play the race card to divide all of us while they secure money and power, protect their legacies and plan the best ways to destroy the middle class forever.


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