Coincidence - I think Not - Be Afraid

by pettygrudger 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman

    Hi Sens, thanks for the quick response.

    are you running anything like smiley central...etc? hotbar? search bar ??

    No, nothing like that at all. The problem started about a week ago when the whole thing started to slow and then jam up. Whenever I switch on my PC a box appears saying that the shortcut to updater can't be found, and occasionally Internet explorer jumps in. I'm on AOL, BTW.


  • sf


  • Aztec


    It alarms me that somebody such as you Aztec, that I respect, would jump to such a conclusion as "they are sick in the head"

    I'm not saying that most people are like that but, there are some people out there who live to screw with people. It's a fact of life. Why would spyware even exist if there weren't people out there that had bad intentions. I don't doubt that you are one of the good ones but, I've had my fill of having my homepage changed. It's rather annoying. I admit that I don't know much about computers...LOL! Maybe I should look into that Linux thing. I finally learned how to pronounce it a week ago. Yay me! I was just trying to lend my buddy Rhonda some support is all. Let's hope she gets it sorted out eh?


  • sens

    eman you have a pm.

  • Aztec

    Yeah, BB, I hate spyware! I don't care what the intentions were/are. It's so annoying! Oh well, perhaps not all the intentions were evil....LOL!


  • iiz2cool
    the onyl reason its called spyware, is because it installs and records ur habits...but it uses a legal loophole to be completely and utterly legal.....

    This is why people should make an effort to read and understand the license agreements before allowing any applications to be installed. Same goes for 'Terms of Service' on many web sites. Time to brush up on the legalese...


  • rem


    :I consider myself a script kiddie.

    That's not exactly a compliment in my industry.


  • pettygrudger

    Not posting from home -

    My b-i-l (who has a bachelors in this crap) has said from preliminary tests that it does appear there might have been a "ghost" (whatever that means) - he will be taking the entire hard drive to investigate further.

    I would like to take this opportunity to humbly apologize to anyone here - AND ESPECIALLY THOSE ON OTHER BOARDS (as I have seemed to insult & implicated in this whole taudry affair) for bringing my complaints to both boards. The problem is, with so much annomisity at times, its hard to know who might wish to resort to such behavior. So, to any at JWO or JWD that I have offended - I apologize. According to those that know more about these things, its probably some 15 year old kid somewhere in some remote location that's just playing around and stumbled into my world. Maybe so.......I probably did overact to some extent - once again my apologies.

    But, regardless of how or why this happened - I am learning alot from the discussions, and would appreciate some concrete suggestions on how to keep oneself as secure as possible while "online".

  • iiz2cool


    I'll show you a few things when I see you over the holidays.


  • hillary_step


    I consider 'hacking' to be an art form, as do many other people

    Fascinating. How exactly is computer hacking an art form? I understand Jack the Ripper removed the entrails of one of his victims and hung them with great care around the frames of the pictures on her wall. Is that the kind of art you mean?


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