Why the Oxygen Special will not work like we think it will...

by HiddenPimo 30 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    The damage the Oxygen special and the media coverage in People and other places really is among potential recruits. I'm sure some curious PIMIs will watch it and be shocked. Some will say it's just lies but that documentary was so well done that even those who say they don't believe the victims really know that they are telling the truth. The knowledge that the organization put its reputation over the safety of kids will wear on them but the cult programming is also strong.

    Those on the fence about whether to investigate their doubts might be moved to do so. You never know what gets people ready to take an honest look at the organization.

    But, the hit JWs have been taking in the court of public opinion is shifting from just a nice but annoying religion who knocks at your door to a pedo hiding organization. And that will diminish their already abysmal results in the US and other Western countries to gain recruits.

    I don't think the US (since that's where I live) government should destroy any religion or private club, but they most definitely should ensure everyone follows the rules. The PA investigation should be interesting.

    Ultimately, I think the JWs (like other fringe religions before them) will fade into obscurity but will be here long after I'm dead and gone.

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    I should also say that when you couple the lack of new members with an aging membership and awful retention levels for their youth (PEW says 66% leave), you are faced with a steep decline in the upcoming years. Which is probably why Bethel has accelerated their KH sale project here and in other Western countries. Cash out now before it becomes too apparent.

  • Simon

    A mass exodus is never going to happen, but programmes that raise awareness help the people who maybe reconsidering just as previous programmes helped people at other times.

    But they will be replaced and things will continue.

  • LongHairGal


    I agree with you and didn’t expect that it would. These shows are BIG exposure of the religion to the public and may wake up some JWs here and there - but that’s about it.

    These and other expose programs are just another nail in the religion’s coffin... The dying off of the faithful contributing elderly, CSA lawsuits and less support from JWs who are left will do the rest.. We are already seeing halls being sold off and who knows where it will end.

    The JW religion is gradually becoming smaller and at some point will be a footnote in history - along with other sects who have had their Day.

  • nowwhat?

    Maybe more people at door will point out the csa problem to otherwise oblivious jdubs

  • HiddenPimo

    I am hopeful it will have an impact yet cautious as I was an elder and never heard about the Australian Royal commission till I have become PIMO a year later. But when I did find out it was at that point I said I have to go - so as many of you have said - it could definitely push many to the POMO status.

  • carla

    It may not have any effect on current jw's but it sure will keep anybody from considering the jw's as a religion they want to check out for their own spiritual quest!


    I don’t think any of us can say exactly what the effects will be. There’s never been anything like this, or the statue of limitations being lifted, or anyone like Irwin Zalkin or Trey Bundy.

    There’s never been information available on the internet like today, or a way to spread information like we have with Social Media. If someone said ten years ago, “ A Lawyer will march up to the new headquarters of the Watchtower to serve the Governing Body with a court summons..”, we would not have believed it.

    Who could imagine the JWs leaving the city and making a Billion dollars while doing so? Who could imagine the GB making a special presentation/interview featuring Jared Kurshner and glorifying JW Real Estate???

    The GB and their Lawyers will spin and lie, and those who benefit from the system will continue to lie to themselves and everyone else, as well as the most indoctrinated who fear reality.

    Yet, we can’t forget that all it takes is for a tiny switch to go off in the minds of the rank and file; the switch that makes them believe the GB speak for God. Once that barrier is broken, the possibilities are endless. Once the GB lose the trust of the rank and file it’s all over, and this could very well happen.

    How did we all get here?? We had doubts, maybe for years. Then we suffered injustice at the hands of Elders ( look how they acted in the Oxygen documentary) or the Elders refused to act, leaving everything in “Jehovah’s hands.” There wasn’t half the shit going on 10 years ago as there is now, and every year that goes by is one more year the GB’s prophesies fall flat. That’s one more year that JWs bury their parents, get older, experience reality and have the real world kick their asses. All the while the dirty laundry keeps piling up.


  • waton

    I am just reading "Evil" by Dr. J . Shaw." The science behind Humanity's dark side." finished the chapter on Pedophiles, Hebephiles, Ephebephiles, At least 2% of the population is born with those afflictions. Some can not control them.

    We might here think wt is outstanding in attracting them, but ignore the Catholic priesthood statistics, because we detest them less than wt followers. or the the Andews, coaches, doctors, impresarios, ---

    I feel sorry for the Jws who will have to face the public at the doors while they peddle wt material, and public attention shifts momentarily on the jworg in these ongoing exposures & revelations.

    Jws might actually have more of the ones with dormant urges than other groups, because the control that wt tries to exert on any extraordinary or extramarital sexual activities.

    Wt should face the consequences for misdeeds unique to them, not failure to properly adress a situation common to all.

  • oppostate

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