Two (circumstantial) lines of evidence for the real motivation behind the Russian lobbying?

by doubtfull1799 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • doubtfull1799

    1. In Bro Sandersons latest video (in which he shows a very impressive skill with Russian) he mentions two likely results of the imminent Russian ban: The liquidation of the branch office and its assets, and the individual brothers capacity to worship freely. No prizes for guessing which one gets mentioned first!

    2. Why have the GB never attempted in the past, and are not interested in attempting now, such a letter writing campaign in other communist countries where the work is under similar restrictions, like China, or Vietnam? Could it be because we have no assets in those countries? Nothing to lose?



    Why allow JWs in Mexico to bribe officials, yet allow poor JWs in Malawi to be brutally raped, tortured and killed?

    The WTBTS Inc. can't sell dirt for a profit.


  • stuckinarut2

    Great observation indeed!

    Yes, the ASSETS are the issue here.

    Plus they are using this "letter writing" campaign as a way to build hype and enthusiasm amongst the flock, all the while feuling the persecution complex!

  • millie210

    I wonder if they are also massively hoping this letter writing will take the focus off the Australian Royal Comission findings.

  • fukitol

    Go Putin et al. Ban the fockers!!

    The RolexWatchtower are doing this now because President Trump outspokenly admires Putin!

  • slimboyfat

    They used to do letter writing campaigns in the 1970s to Malawi and I think other countries too.

  • venus

    Ban news is out

    The worst is yet to come: "On April 5 the Supreme Court of Russia is expected to decide whether the religious group should be banned outright in the country."

  • freddo

    Sometimes people do "genuine things" especially when there is no cost and it can make them look good. Add to that the prospect of losing property and control over it and you get a "something must be done" mentality.

    Then the history - this present GB 2.0 would have been young men writing to Malawi in the 1970's and not involved in the decision making process of Mexico/Malawi of GB 1.0.

    To them it is win-win. It has certainly lifted the local JW's out of their Memorial tract peddling apathy.

    To the JW's in Russia (my having done a speed-read on Wiki about Putin, his background and his demeanour) I do not believe it will help one iota. Maybe make matters worse.

  • venus

    More than loss of property, they may be worried how such a ban on sizable number of JWs by what they call the “North” King would misfire on their Bible prophecy—it would also mean that God is not interested in His people. Greatest worry may be about being shunned in a conspicuous way—people who popularized shunning is going to be shunned in the day light by most powerful country on the earth!

  • tor1500


    Something tells me that the JW's stepped on someone's foot...They haven't just arrived there...what's the real problem?

    &&& Yes, it's to take the focus off of the ARC, they can't spin that situation into persecution....too many cases...all of them can't be lying...a JW would accept one or two as persecution but there are too many to deny, that something ain't right...

    Funny the Supreme Court is expected to decide if this group should be outright interesting...but when it comes to child quick decisions....amazing what really matters...worry about the lit.they hand out, instead of the fact that JW's house pedophiles....ummm, maybe they know and the org., is using the persecution card, to pull out without the embarrassment...

    As someone said, other places they are banned why Russia, ummm, something ain't right...I thought that too...and if the Russian JW's are the target, why send letters and make trouble for them....many of the friends go where the work is banned then come back and tell us all about it...I say to myself, what was the purpose of that...they are already being watched why would we go and draw attention to them and ourselves...then we Americans leave and come back here where we can do almost anything....but then when they show pix, there is a JW welcoming party there....uh ? Maybe my eyesight is bad....again, why put them on danger....oh, I forget, JW's love to look pious...


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