How much of the bible do JW's really use?

by blindfool 28 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Narkissos

    The "si" book (lo, I even remember the code!) was more somewhat of a (highly fundamentalistic) "Introduction to the Bible". Just telling what the author, place and date of every book was supposed to be, with a résumé of its major features. On details, the Aid book was better (I translated a big part of it into French, but it had been censored after the disfellowshipping of Ray Franz). The Commentary of James was really something new.

  • Enishi

    When I actually took the time to sit down and read the NT in depth, it didn't take long to notice the major conflicts with the Watchtower's guilt mongering doctrines.

  • johnny_was_good
    Bible text in the Ministry School (that was established around the time of the Commentary on James). The result was some people found interest in understanding the Bible itself and began using "worldly" commentaries.

    that problem is solved for the number 2 talk. Because they are not allow to give any commentary. Just reading that's all.

  • blondie
    But a JW would say that they cover the whole Bible in the theocratic min school with verses being covered in the #2 talks, the instruction talks and Bible highlights.

    This would be true only if the actually read the Bible chapters assigned every week. The #2 talk only considers one chapter of the weekly reading (usualy several chapters). The instruction talk only highlights a few verses from those chapters. The instruction talk merely discusses what the Scripture Inspired book selects to discuss about the book. JWs do not know verses in context, or darn few.

    If anyone has ever played Bible games when they were a JW, they knew that may one or two really knew what was going on, knew the Bible verses, characters or names of the Bible books.

    In the WT 2001

    Matthew 24:14 preaching good news (37)

    Matthew 45:45 FDS (24)

    Matthew 28:19 making disciples (20)

    Matthew 6:33 seeking first the kingdom (19)

    Revelation 7:9 great crowd (20) but


    Revelation 14:1 144,000 (1)

    Revelation 7:4 144,000 (3)

  • Oxnard Hamster
    Oxnard Hamster
    Because they are not allow to give any commentary. Just reading that's all.

    Ironically, the first talke I was assigned was a #2 talk, and this was right before they made the change to where you don't give commentary. I even voiced my opinion that I think talks with commentary, instead of just a straight reading, is better. I always thought the change was a little bit weird. I guess they WT society wants to put a halt to other people interpreting the Bible.

    Anyway, to answer the original question, I noticed they use a heap of their scriptures from Psalms. I realize it's a big book in the Bible, but it seems like it's used about 20% of the time.

  • Euphemism
    I guess they WT society wants to put a halt to other people interpreting the Bible.

    I actually have to disagree with you there. At the same time that they changed the #2 talk, they added 4 mins of unscripted, individual comments to the Bible Highlights. IMHO, that's one of the most independent-thought-encouraging, bible-centric things the WTS has done in a long time. Which is kind of sad when you think about it, but at least it's a step in the right direction.

    Of course, the sad reality is that both the Bible Highlights and the individual comments often consist of people picking out and commenting on the few verses in the reading that are part of the standard Watchtower canon. That always drove me nuts when I was a Witness. But at least the Bible Highlights give a little bit of scope for the more thoughtful Witnesses to exercise some personal initiative, if they are so inclined.

  • Oxnard Hamster
    Oxnard Hamster

    Good point. However, they typically give newer recruits, who haven't been totally immersed in the WT doctrine...yet, the #2 talk, so I guess they figure allowing comments during that talk would be more dangerous than for Bible highlights, which is often done by a well known in the congregation. This well known of course, has been so brainwashed that it's probably safe to give him free reign.

    I know it sounds like conspiracy theory, but if it's true, then it is very clever and manipulative.

  • playdrums

    It doesn't just "sound" like conspiracy theory. It IS conspiracy theory. The whole structure is completely conspired to attract and retain a certain type of person - a slave - one that can be easily convinced that an internment with "friends" is freedom.

  • Mulan

    I had a Bible study many years ago, who used a highlighter pen in her Bible whenever a scripture was used. She was certain that in no time, the whole Bible would be highlighted. She mentioned once that she was frustrated that so many scriptures were already highlighted.

    Sadly, she is still a JW. I wonder if she ever realized her goal of highlighting the whole Bible would never happen.

  • blondie
    I had a Bible study many years ago, who used a highlighter pen in her Bible whenever a scripture was used. She was certain that in no time, the whole Bible would be highlighted.

    Mulan, I tried something similar to that about 8 years ago. I got a new Bible and highlighted the first time it was used. Then I put a tick mark next to it each time it was used again. Some scriptures are used in almost every meeting, others are never mentioned.


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