Comments You Won't Hear at the 12-7-03 WT Study

by blondie 29 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Mysterious

    Darn I already studied this one with the dub family before I got to read your commentary, I must say it's always more fun when it works out the other way around.

    Spiritual qualities transcend gender?what does that tell us? That the most important thing according to the WTS is spirituality, spiritual qualifications, yet gender makes women unqualified to be elders, MS, COs, DOs, even mike handlers in spite of their spiritual qualifications that "transcend gender."

    I never bought the not being able to handle mics thing. Or help with literature or sound. Perhaps they can make a case about women not teaching men if they pull the right scriptures out of the hat..but for other "privileges" there is really no justification for their position. Other than men simply wanting to keep the women in their "place".

  • Pistoff

    Great review blondie; what the WT says about women is similar to everything else they say: off target, two-faced and insulting. What would recovery groups say about being nice to a using addict?? LEAVE. Tolerance of addictive and abusive behavior teaches the using addict (be it alcohol or an illicit drug) that he can continue using with impunity. As with all else in the WT world, though, this fact flies right over their closed minds.

  • Blueblades

    Hi Hadenuf! Sorry,but I'm still camping outside the book store waiting for my authograph copy of Blondie's book on "Comments You Will Not hear".When she decides to put it all together.Not to worry there will be room for you in my camper and many others that want to wait on line for this "CLASSIC"on Comments.

    Blondie as always,what can I say,thanks again,love to you and yours for all yours efforts for us.

    Blueblades,who has seven sisters and one wife,and loves and respects women.

  • Blueblades

    I left out my mom.That makes nine woman in my life who taught me how to love and respect all woman.And now there are the women on this forum who deserve honor for all their contributions on this forum,and that have responded to my needs when I have posted.Thank you to all of you women for your special touch that you add to this place.


  • Soledad

    blondie you're amazing. what else can I say?

  • blondie

    Jambo, Maverick.

    I think the Sisters should step up and protect their children. They should be hailed for reporting abusers.

    Some have but they are discounted by the elders. It is said of these women that they are trying to get their husbands or ex-husbands into trouble. The elders say, "Perhaps you were mistaken, sister, you have to be sure because who will pay your bills if your husband loses his job?"

    To Badger, Selamat pagi

    As to Jael, she was married to Heber who was a Kenite and a descendant of Jethro, Moses? FIL. The account of Jael is in the book of Judges but she was not a judge. This account also has another woman of note, Deborah, was a prophetess (and a wife) who was judging Israel and went with Barak and the army to the battle.

    Merhaba HadEnuf,

    you should

    write a book about your JW/X-JW experiences.

    Maybe when I retire.

    Nazdar Willpower,

    I think the BIBLE is calling for:
    Women - mothers, & wives to unite - turn over all pedophiles & other abusers to the proper authorities - who God has put in place to keep the laws of the land & the innocent ones safe.

    I think everyone should united to do this. We need everyone, including the men, fathers, and husbands, to be brave and defy unloving, greedy authority.

    Jesus was not afraid to defy the traditions and rules of the Pharisees, even when it led to them trying to kill him.

    Aloha, Frank

    What a great picture. I have known some anointed sisters, but they would have been pecking him on the head.

    Willy, Magandang tanghali po

    It would be far better for them to scrub this week's WT and instead study the recent issue of Newsweek, which contains a lengthy and fascinating study of how women have been portrayed in the bible and in the early Christian church and how closely these portrayals heed the official male-dominated-society party line.

    I noticed that too after I posted. Here is the Newsweek website ?

    Mysterious, Bom dia

    I never bought the not being able to handle mics thing. Or help with literature or sound. Perhaps they can make a case about women not teaching men if they pull the right scriptures out of the hat..but for other "privileges" there is really no justification for their position. Other than men simply wanting to keep the women in their "place".

    I knew of several congregations that did not have enough "qualified men" to do the mikes. So the elders were going to use sisters until the CO found out. He laid it on the line, if there were no other brothers then the elders would have to do the mikes?.that didn?t sit well with the elders. Think about it, mysterious, it would show that the elders could not "encourage" enough brothers to qualify and that the congregation was spiritually deficient.

    Szia Pistoff,

    off target, two-faced and insulting

    In other words, controlling and manipulative.

    Shalom Blueblades

    Sorry,but I'm still camping outside the book store waiting for my authograph copy of Blondie's book on "Comments You Will Not hear".

    When I retire from my career as a fading/inactive JW, I may just do that. Are you still shoveling.

    Soledad, God dag

    blondie you're amazing. what else can I say?

    There really is only one Amazing. But thanks.


  • minimus

    I wonder how the sisters view these types of articles. Are they warm and fuzzy and feel "privileged"? Do they feel especially recognized by the "faithful and discreet slave"? Or do they realize that this is just a little stroking device by the Society to tell women to "do more"?

  • jgnat

    I often wonder how the sisters keep going year after year. Left out of the official power structure, carrying the lion's share of the child-rearing duties, they are still required to meet the same pavement-stumping requirements. Yet they are expected to endure an abusive mate. To accept direction from young men half their age. Most of the sisters I have met seem to have resigned themselves to a life of drudgery, poverty, and endless meetings. Yet, they are more hospitable and welcoming than the men. Do the women realize what a deficient table-spread they are inviting me to?

    The key text is from Ruth. Ruth was a foreigner. Ruth stayed overnight with Boaz before they were engaged. Would Ruth have been an approved marriage mate in today's Watchtower world? If the Witnesses had been in charge back then, they would have disrupted the line of David, and prevented Jesus from being born!

    Shiphrah and Puah maintained an exemplary ethic, but lied to Pharaoah. They were not so stupid to get their heads lopped off by an angry king. Would not Shiphrah and Puah be expected to sacrifice their lives in today's Watchtower world?

    Rahab was a foreigner, too. She also dressed funny and talked funny. Would Rahab been required to attend a full book study before being accepted by today's Watchtower world?

    Abigail bypassed her drunk husband in order to preserve his life and his wealth. Would an Abigail in today's Watchtower world be respected for "going ahead" of her husband's wishes, without checking with the elders first?

    Would Elijah been brought forward to the Elders in today's Watchtower world, for cohabiting with a foreign SINGLE woman for an entire year?

    I also notice these women were rewarded by Jehovah in their lifetime. Women in today's Watchtower world must wait for that ever elusive coming day. Makes me wonder. Is the faithful labour of WT women for the society blessed by Jehovah, or are they serving a false master?

  • SM62

    Had I gone to the KH today without any knowledge of this board or Blondie's review, I would have felt irritated and depressed. Before I became a JW, I was all for equality of the sexes, but the WTS knocked it all out of me. I used to think I had a serious problem for feeling resentful towards the spotty MS who was just out of short pants, telling me what to do. Now I realise I was right all along.

    Thanks for the review - it has really helped me today.


  • blondie

    Min, yes to all your questions . You will find some sisters fall into each of those categories. Many sisters may know that is what appears on paper, but the reality at home and the KH is much different and will not change. My husband sat through several jibes at sisters and their value at the Elders School and found it sickening. One more push out of the WTS for him.

    Very excellent points, Jgnat . By using so many Old Testament examples the WTS shoots themselves in the foot. The reality was that Israelite men were allowed to marry non-Jews (as long as they weren?t from the 7 Canaanite tribes listed at Deuteronomy 7:3,4?Rahab was an exception).
    Would Elijah been brought forward to the Elders in today's Watchtower world, for cohabiting with a foreign SINGLE woman for an entire year?

    This is a very good point.

    Insight Book Volume 1 p. 711 Elijah
    During Elijah?s stay in her home her son dies.

    I have to remember that one for my Women in the Bible folder.

    Thanks, Terri. I like to hear that these reviews help.

    Had I gone to the KH today without any knowledge of this board or Blondie's review, I would have felt irritated and depressed. Before I became a JW, I was all for equality of the sexes, but the WTS knocked it all out of me. I used to think I had a serious problem for feeling resentful towards the spotty MS who was just out of short pants, telling me what to do. Now I realise I was right all along.
    Thanks for the review - it has really helped me today.


    (having coffee waiting for hubby to bring a newspaper, then it?s waffles and sausages and reading the ads so we can go shopping for prezzies for friends and family)

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