jw family loves to ask df'd ones for money!

by Ghiagirl 56 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Ghiagirl
    Well it finally happened! We have been waiting about a year for this, my dfd husbands family asked us for money. Even though his own father hasn't met our 8 month old son. And most of his brothers and sisters haven't as well. Makes me sick. So you saved no money because the new world is coming? Just rely on your kids to pay your bills each month! Don't get me wrong I would always help my family no matter what! But the nerve they have, with no shame too! Thinking we are in the wrong as always. I'm about to blow my brains out with the drama I get left and right. I can't believe I once thought it was the truth! It tears families apart. Yet they blame us, the ones going through constant heartache for the empty space in our lives. I thought it was getting easier. But it's still hard. If I can save anyone from making the mistake of getting baptized! Please. Don't do it. I'm not one to say all jws are bad. But what the organization turns people into is what makes me sick, so brain washed. So ignorant, so blind. Sorry this is a rant I am just so angry and so sad. I get told from my family my whole life I am a selfish person. Because I wanted to live my life my way? My sister told me she doesn't like the person I have become and we are not close because we have different views and opinions and I'm a selfish person. But I know I'm not....at least I don't think so. I feel psychically ill anytime I try to reason with these people. Family is family. It's that simple. With no religion there would be so many fewer issues! I'm sorry but I hate religion I hate it. I don't know what I believe. Just be a good person, honest respectful nonjudgmental accepting. I'm a good mother, good wife and good friend. I am happier with who I am today then who I was when I was stuck in that god damn cult.
  • Crazyguy
    Tell your husband not to give them any money. They treat you like your dead until they need something. Say that to them. Ask them "why is God blessing us with money and you are poor? rub it in their faces. Tell them to go ask their new family the ones in the hall for money.
  • stuckinarut2


    Sorry to hear the stresses you are going through Ghiagirl!

    The points you make are very true.

    You know, if you end up helping them financially they could very well turn around and say:

    "Jehovah took care of our needs by prompting our DFd family to give us money...Thank Jehovah!"

  • jhine
    I don't know what to say except l am sorry that you are going through this and rant away girl !
  • Ghiagirl
    Yes we may end up helping. It's impossible to reason with these people. The fact they think there is nothing wrong with them asking for money is mind boggling. If we do it is a one time deal. But it kills us to even think about doing it.
  • sir82
    Tell them that you'd love to help, but you are concerned about them losing Jehovah's favor by having dealings with "unrepentant ones" such as yourselves, and in the best interests of preserving their relationship with Jehovah, you respectfully decline.
  • Daniel1555

    If you help them you heap firy coals on them, to use bible language.

    I would help them if their request is reasonable and be especially kind.

    Tell them kindly that you are there for them and that they miss a great deal when they have no contact with you or their grandchild.

  • John Free
    John Free

    Its shocking how the cult conditions its members to use the same mind control it espouses. Using emotional blackmail such as- 'I don't like the type of person you're becoming'- is the type of shockingly rude statement no normal person would utter. But mind control runs through the DNA of this cult. I'm glad you've found the strength not to believe this debased attempt at psychological coercion!

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once
    Tell them to piss off! They won't appreciate it. It won't wake them up to the cult. They will only use you and then place you back in the trash bin they dug through for loose change. Sorry, I have no pity for them. Of course you could be the better person and help them but know that they WILL ONLY COME BACK FOR MORE. Don't think you can buy your family's loyalty or their genuine concern with money. If an 8 month old grandchild can't awaken their "Natural affection" money wont.
  • rebelfighter


    The sad thing is this behavior actually happens in families outside of the cult as well. No one in my family was in the cult and there were only three of us my mother and a sister. I was considered a part of the family ONLY when I was writing someone checks otherwise all Hell was the name of the game. The most abusive phone calls, they even confronted my children offering to take them in because we know your mother is not good. Of course my kids came straight to me and reported this crazy behavior. It took till I was 60 to cut all ties with these people. My kids cut ties with them long before I did.

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