Good Morning!

by snowbird 161 Replies latest jw friends

  • snowbird

    Good morning, all.

    It is good to be here.

    Thanks to all for your contributions.

    Love and blessings


  • snowbird

    ROFL at Outlaw.

    Now, howbeit that I knew you would be a first responder?

    I'm having a great morning, reading up on the Nebuchadnezzars, of which there were four.

    If history is correct, it was Number 2 who razed the 1st Temple and took the Jews into captivity.

    If history is correct, it was his granddaughter, Vashti, who refused her husband's request to show herself to his banquet attendees.

    Isn't it wonderful to scope these things out for ourselves?



    I'm having a great morning, reading up on the Nebuchadnezzars, of which there were four.

    Isn't it wonderful to scope these things out for ourselves?.....Sylvia​

    Image result for Freedom

  • snowbird

    Amen, my brother from another mother.

    Tee hee hee.


  • The Rebel
    The Rebel

    Good evening, "snowbird" and a forum full of O.Ps, to bring the devil out in you :-)

  • Magnum


    I remember that in the last week or two you referred to some kind of research or document that you were/are working on and that you might try to publish (Wasn't that you? Maybe I'm confused.). Now you mention the above about the Nebuchadnezzars.

    So, I'm wondering: Are you doing all this just for historical/academic reasons or do you believe the Bible is what Christians claim it to be? Or are you perhaps undecided and trying to make an educated decision?

    I don't know what to believe or not to believe right now and I look forward to having time to try to do reading/research as you're doing now.

  • blondie

    Nothing but a little light reading, snowbird, eh?

    I'm watching NCIS--LA...

  • snowbird

    Hey, Rebel.

    Hey, Magnum.

    I'm doing research simply for myself in an attempt to find answers to bothersome questions about the Scriptures.

    I consider myself a Christian, and believe the Bible to be God's message to us.

    One thing that bothered me a lot was the list of Shem's son's.

    The Bible plainly says Arpachschad was Shem's first born, yet he is listed third in the history of Shem.

    I found the answer in the Book of Jubilees.

    Also, why did it take Adam and Eve so long to produce a son after Abel's death and Cain's banishment?

    Ditto ...

    What really happened between Noah and Ham?

    Book of Jasher.

    Moses married a Cushite (Black) woman?

    Ditto ...

    So much to explore; I'm having a grand time.

    Thanks for asking.


  • snowbird

    Hey, Blondie.

    Thanks for those WT study articles.


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