Marking Talks are back!?!?! - New Name!

by thedepressedsoul 23 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • thedepressedsoul

    When I was younger I used to hear about "marking talks" given in the past. I believe they stopped in the 80's or 90's. Basically, if someone wasn't baptized or doing something unrepentant, they would get a "marking talk" and be treated the same as a DF person.

    Well in today's WT they brought this back! It's now called a "warning talk". Same crap, different name.

    13 We need to follow the Bible-based direction we receive from the elders. These loyal shepherds within God’s organization are guided by “wholesome,” or “healthful; beneficial,” instruction found in God’s own Book. (1 Tim. 6:3; ftn.) Recall Paul’s counsel regarding disorderly ones in the congregation. Some individuals were ‘not working at all but were meddling with what did not concern them.’ They were evidently admonished by the elders but persisted in disregarding the counsel. How was the congregation to deal with such a person? Paul directed: “Keep this one marked and stop associating with him.” That counsel was balanced with the caution not to treat such a person as an enemy. (2 Thess. 3:11-15) Today, elders may give a warning talk about someone’s persisting in a course that reflects badly on the congregation, such as dating an unbeliever. (1 Cor. 7:39) How do you react when the elders find it necessary to give such a talk? If you are aware of the situation described in the talk, will you take care to avoid socializing with such an individual? Your loving concern and firm stand may move the person to abandon a disorderly course. [1]

    They're going for full control here. Welcome back Marking Talks. It's been a while!

    Looks like the boys up top feel like control is slipping out from under them.

  • Barrold Bonds
    Barrold Bonds

    They never went away.

  • schnell

    Nope, those never went away. Nice name change though.



    Change the WBT$/JW Cult Language up every once in a while..

    That way you know who`s really a Loyal WBT$ /JW.....And..

    Who may fall under suspicion,for not speaking the WBT$/JW Cult Language correctly..


    You Didn`t Know the Special Word!..

    Image result for Donald sutherland invasion of the body snatchers

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    "Some individuals were ‘not working at all'............’ They were evidently admonished by the elders but persisted in disregarding the counsel."

    What counsel? Verses 7 - 16: Go out and work just as Paul & his companions did, in order to pay for their own food. Stop being idle parasites by exploiting fellow Christians' hospitality and generosity.

    Seems to apply to members of the Worldwide Order of Special Full-Time Servants of Jehovah’s Witnesses - especially the governing body.

    Nothing about "dating an unbeliever" in the counsel either.

  • thedepressedsoul

    If they didn't go away, they definitely weren't as common as they once were. I never heard one personally or heard anyone in my age group that they've heard one.

    They've used them in the past for people dating non-believers?

  • Finkelstein

    such as dating an unbeliever

    Heaven forbid, why don't they just stone these ones to death for dated outside of the tribe.

    This what you get when men try to emulate the social moral standards established by an ancient civilization that existed 3000 years ago.

    The kind of social moral standards such as stoning to death children who dishonored their parents.

    Stoning to death adulteraters

    Stoning to death people who worked on the Sabbath.

    Letting rapists buy the woman whom they raped from her father to make the woman the rapist's wife.

    These are just some of the so called wholesome virtuous social guidance found in the bible ......

    These loyal shepherds within God’s organization are guided by “wholesome,” or “healthful; beneficial,” instruction found in God’s own Book. 1 Tim. 6:3

    In the end of it all its about power and control and the WTS leaders did a lot of lying, bullshitting and deceiving to cultivate that power and control.

  • schnell
    They've used them in the past for people dating non-believers?

    Oh, did they ever. I was threatened with one, because my then girlfriend (now wife) was a born-in who wasn't yet baptized.

  • hoser

    Meddling in what doesn't concern them and not working. Sounds like a circuit overseer I know.

  • westiebilly11

    In my own experience, when I was before a judicial committee hearing, I was told that a 'marking talk' had been given some months earlier , and that I should have heeded it. When I said how would I recognize that such a talk was aimed at me if I had done nothing/was doing nothing wrong, they couldn't reply..Crazy system. Ticking boxes but a corporate failure..

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