Last night's local needs

by Fadeaway1962 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Fadeaway1962

    The memorial each family to have wine and unleavened bread to pass around (isolated bro who's a recovering alcoholic)

    Limit watching the news regarding the virus look on and the GB will keep us informed (they know better than medical professionals)

    Ministry suspended but use any opportunity to speak to people and give them a card(the virus still active on card)

    Brackets my own thoughts

  • Still Totally ADD
    Still Totally ADD

    I know I always go to a reglious institutions for my news and health care. NOT!!! Unbelievable the stuff that comes out of the borgs mouth. I have in-laws and a older brother that are elders who lives in TN and I wonder if they are going to survive this pandemic. They won't speak to us soon I hope they don't listen to this garbage. Still Totally ADD

  • Still Totally ADD
    Still Totally ADD

    I don't know why it's double posting.

  • Stealth

    That's even dumber than listening to politicians and media instead of doctors and scientists.

  • millie210

    That is so ridiculous.

    Going out to buy wine and flour will put some at risk while exposing others who may have it and be asymptomatic.

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    are they allowed to neck the wine afterwards ?


    What if the virus is Jehovah’s way of saving the Org from future litigation? Think about it...

    Zalkin had the gall to approach the gates of the center for true worship on Earth! The GB weren’t hiding, they were praying!! The whole wicked system of things will now come to a screeching, grinding halt!!!

    DD 🤔

  • eyeuse2badub

    We're house bound for Covid-19 so I won't be able to get to a store to purchase bread and wine but I'm pretty sure that jehober will be okay if we use beer and pretzels instead! In fact, I doubt he'll even notice!

    just saying!

  • careful

    Fadeaway, was this meeting at a KH or via electronic viewing/tie-in?

  • WTWizard

    Look for the jokehovian site for advice? I didn't listen to that rubbish, but I looked for those videos and blatantly Satanic sources. Therein, they have been saying now that we should prepare for a 6 month period of lockdown, shortages, or a combination of both starting (in America) in April. I have been gradually increasing my stockpile, with that as a goal (I estimate I am around halfway there now).

    Never mind 6 months. The newspapers have been advocating a 2-week prep. I feel that will be woefully inadequate, but it is better than nothing. That means at least 42 meals' worth of food, plus whatever paper and cleaning supplies you reasonably expect to need. (And no, I do not advocate getting 50,000 rolls of toilet paper or 18,000 bottles of hand sanitizer to sell on eBay). As a rough guide, you will need at least 2,000 Calories per day (unless you are unusually active or petite). For the 2-week prep, you are looking at around 30,000 total Calories.

    To put this in perspective, you can get this with a few trips to the store. Cereal, cold or hot, usually means 4-5 standard size boxes (and no, I do not go by those 1 ounce standard serving sizes). You will also need 12-15 cans of vegetables and/or fruits, 5 pounds of rice and/or pasta, legumes (several 1 pound bags), a couple jars of peanut butter and a jar or two of whatever jam you prefer, bread or crackers (tortilla wraps will do fine), and at least 6 (5 ounce) cans of meat or seafood (this is so you can have meat 3 times per week). If you have family, you will need to adjust accordingly because additional people also need food.

    Now, if this is what the news is telling people to get for preps, what are the jokehovians doing? Yes, this means planning ahead (and I do recommend various spices and condiments in addition, since rice, pasta, and legumes without added sauces and spices can get boring). But, does the washtowel even advise anyone to do this? Or are they advocating trusting in joke-hova and donating all their money to those leeches at the top and donating all their time in Coronavirus Service instead of going to the store to get some of those items?

    Or, are the jokehovians going to be instantly up s*** creek without a paddle as soon as their state or city enters full lockdown or all the stores completely stop operating? How many of them have as much as an extra can of soup, an extra jar of peanut butter, or a box of crackers? I wonder if the hounders are going to round up all the food they can from the congregation and distribute it (along with their coronavirus) through the congregation.

    If you haven't already done so, now is the time (and getting quite late) to start. You might be lucky enough to find toilet paper--you will need to slowly stockpile it because of strict limits on how much you can get. As for food, you are wise to count calories in the store. This time, those calories are your friend, not the enemy (unless, that is, you are like double or triple your ideal weight). You are looking for a minimum of 2,000 calories per day for the basic situation (this will vary, especially if you are bulkier or smaller than normal). Protein grams also count--unless they are soy protein (which is bad). You will want at least 40 grams per day--for more active people, such as those stocking groceries, 70 is more appropriate.

    Are you hearing any of this from the washtowel? And remember, this is the lamestream media. The more Satanic sources have been pushing for a 6 month supply, and have been pushing for this since the end of January. And no, I have been planning ahead for fun, not austerity. Cookies, crackers, and spices are included because I want this to be more than austerity.

    Those trusting in joke-hova may think that thing will help them. But, I do not want to hear it from them in the middle of August or September telling me that they need whatever supplies I might still have. (Or in May, for that matter.) All they are getting from me is a lecture (in German) that they should have listened to, if not Satan Himself, at least the main news.

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