Would like to make new friends all over again

by CathyM38 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • somebody

    just jumpin in one more time to welcome Loki.


    somebody...(not one to give advice about guys class)

  • Jang

    Good to see you here Cathy .... we met last night in the chat room. I am from Brisbane, in the state of Queensland, Australia.

    What have you been doing with yourself this last 4 years since you left? Have you taken up a hobby or joined a club or started to work or gone back to school etc?

    It is always a good idea to get out and do something you really like doing and meet others from different backgrounds at the same time. If you have ever wanted to do a hobby this is the time to start .... same with study .... the whole world is your oyster now.

    Broaden your horizons. Join toastmasters and learn to speak in public on subjects other that the bible. My Aunt who was in the borg for 40 years did just that at the grand age of 72 and has been having a ball. She said it was a challenge to talk about something different, but now she is comfortable everywhere again.

    Quite a few here are no back in school getting their HS Diploma or going through college and a few have just graduated.

    There is nothing to stop you now except yourself so go for it Cathy ....


    CAIC Website: http://caic.org.au/zjws.htm
    Personal Webpage: http://uq.net.au/~zzjgroen/

  • jurs

    hi cathy, welcome!!!! i have 2 daughters close to your daughters age.their 10 and 11. looking forward to reading more of your posts.......jurs

  • NeedTime

    Hi Cathy

    I'm new here too. Maybe we can chat in "chat room" sometimes.


  • TR

    Hi Loki, Cathy and NeedTime!

    Glad to see new people all the time. Makes me glad to see that more and more are leaving the Borg and finding that there is life after all.


    "Kults Suck"

  • mommy

    WOW! There are 3 of you here I am sure not to miss. Welcome Cathy, Loki, Needtime. Great to have you here. This is a great place, to hang your hat and spend some internet time.

    I am so glad you found us, I have benefitted immenesly from this site. You will get to meet many here. I suggest not only this chatroom, but there are many internet messenging services, that allows you to get to know others on a more personal level. Such as Yahoo, Icq, and MSN messenger. If you email me I can give you my names.

  • think41self


    Welcome! I enjoyed talking with you in chat, and I am so glad you are here. You can read some of our stories under the personal experiences forum. I learned alot about some poster's that way.

    Loki Welcome to you too!

    Need time Welcome to you too, love your name, so appropo!!

    I am looking forward to getting to know you all better.


    "Is that a banana in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?"

  • thinkers wife
    thinkers wife

    Need Time,
    Welcome to the board!! I think I already said Hey to everyone else.
    I am going to answer you email!! I promise.
    It gets better!

  • Tina

    Welcome Cathy,Loki,Need!!

    Cathy Im in Chgo too!!!!! Looking forward to chattin and getting to know ya ! warm regards,Tina

  • Gopher

    Cathy, Loki, NeedTime

    Welcome home. Isn't this place just great? Look at all the response on this thread in just the first 12 hours! I truly feel the sense of community "out here" that I thought there could never be, after leaving "the organization".

    Have a good time posting & in chat. Never be afraid to ask anything, or to ask for anything! Take advantage of the wealth of experience (both inside and outside the JW's) that is out here!


    Gopher, enjoying the fresh air

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