Watchtower vs Islam: Why the deafening silence?

by raymond frantz 53 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • raymond frantz
    raymond frantz

    Why has the Watchtower failed spectacularly to evangelize to the Muslims? Considering the recent influx of Muslim people in European countries you would think that some attempt from the religion that touts the are preaching the good news of the Kingdom in all the inhabited earth would have been made.Instead the only meaningful attempt dates back to 1953 ,almost 70 years ago!!!! Book " Man's search for God.What do you think? (Even that illustration above is not including the Islamic symbol).Your thoughts...

  • Anna Marina
    Anna Marina

    Islam is a made up religion with no history. It pinged out of nowhere because people with a great knowledge of the Bible (who for some reason had been booted out of the Promised Land) hoodwinked a load of Arabs to be their fighting force to try to get Israel back.

    You might wish to consider C T Russell's connections to the Zionist movement and then picture how a bunch of hoodwinked Arabs, remaining hoodwinked could be useful to them.

  • raymond frantz
    raymond frantz

    For a religion thT goes to great lengths to preach to tribes deep in the Amazon forest or other remote parts of the earth, it is quite telling they hardly make any attempts with the fastest growing religion on earth

  • Biahi

    They are afraid to speak out against Islam, they don’t want a “fatwa” put against them. The GB would be afraid to EVER leave the cult compound.

  • dropoffyourkeylee

    Muslim countries historically have banned Christian missionaries. For instance, in Morocco, The JWs who live there preach only to people who are already of a Christian faith. Proseletyzing to Muslims is illegal. If a need-greater goes into Morocco, they are on their own. WT gives them no support. I even heard about one couple from the US who went into Morocco who used ficticious names and occupations to get to stay in the country.

    Also, my opinion is that the JW religion has built up on the backs of the Christian missionaries of previous centuries. The missionaries, both Catholic and Protestant, went into all those countries in South and Central America and Africa, translated the Bible into their languages, converted the people to their brand of Christianity. Those missionaries lived and died there, doing the hard work all those years. The JWs went in post-1940 and found a fertile ground in those who were disaffected for some reason and that is why JWs have been successful. In other areas where the missionaries were not particularly successful (India, Pakistan, Muslim countries, China), the JWs have had little success.

  • Phizzy

    Anna Marina said " Islam is a made up religion ".

    Every religion is made up, by men.

    Also " with no history "

    Coming from the 7th century A.D. it is not much younger than the Christianity of today.

    "Biahi", above, mentions the REAL reason for J.W's avoiding preaching to Islam.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Why the deafening silence?

    Because Islam reacts to opposition with violence.

    It's in their their legal code (shari3a).

  • raymond frantz
    raymond frantz
    LoveUniHateExams this might be true for Muslim countries but no true for Western European countries were Muslims are usually immigrants, there could have a pilot program to reach this people but I never saw any meaningful effort towards them
  • Anna Marina
    Anna Marina

    Phizzy - I don't know who said it but when asked why he believed in God, a man answered 'because Israel exists.'

    You might, if you want, consider that point and ask what all the fuss is about regarding Israel. Also where all these old churches popped up from and odd tales like King Arthur and holy grails.

    Yes lot of made up. Tons of it. But how do you hide a tree?

    Also consider the role of Communism, especially in relation to crusades because it has no history in the Crusades. Then consider the role of Communism in relation to the Watchtower and the idea of stages of history.

    I'll leave it there and anticipate that no matter what I say, it wont make much difference.

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    An elder I used to know spoke FARSI as did his wife. They tried to set up an interest group at the KH and would target Iranians in the local cafes. There seemed to be a lot of interest initially but the brother gave up and returned to his home congregation. He realised that Muslims were not in the least bit interested but liked the conversations which helped them with their English.


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