Quick Story

by APieceOfShitNamedTate 19 Replies latest jw experiences

  • iwantoutnow

    I was the School Overseer, and after a few years when I got really good at it. I had no issues doing an of the parts as a sub.

    I would of course look all the parts over that week. In reality, as long as you're comfortable speaking in public, and you know the info somewhat, none of the parts are had.

    The Brother Talks, or the Student talks are really so so basic. The bar for what the audience expects is SOOO low.

    I generally was happy for last second cancellations because I felt that I could provide better and more useful information that might actually help someone, or encourage someone, more than the 1/2 literate elders could do with a weeks prep.

  • StephaneLaliberte

    I remember one night, the school overseer asking for a volonteer for part 4. In the meantime, he goes on and does his part, the bible highlight.

    Then he introduced the brother for part 2. As the brother wasn't there, he goes on and does part 2.

    He than introduced the sister for part 3. She's all surprised and says she didn't know she had a part. So he does part 3.

    Then he asks if there is anyone who volonteered for part 4. No one answered, so he did part 4 as well.

    Funny thing is, I was the school assistant and I had called all these people confirming their parts with them the week before. That was the craziest ministry school experience I even had.

    Oh, and the brother who did all the parts on the fly? He did them just like he had prepared them himself.. he was awesome.

  • iwantoutnow
    He than introduced the sister for part 3. She's all surprised and says she didn't know she had a part. So he does part 3.
    Then he asks if there is anyone who volonteered for part 4. No one answered, so he did part 4 as well

    Been there done that. Of course at the time (since my value was in being an elder and a great speaker) I didnt mind it cuz IT MAD ME LOOK GOOD! I was the capable hero.

    All makes me sick right now. The "school" was is such a joke!

  • zeb

    sister good looks was on the stage at a convention and let it slip that in presenting magazine she hadnt read them.

    I thought that wasnt meant to come out..

    and only after my wife got a convention part did I realize just how contrived, rehearsed they were.

  • Xanthippe

    I used to sweat over those talks. Now I realise it's becasue I was trying to get that scripture outline they insisted I use to make sense!

    Remember those four 'seven times' scriptures? I think you had to start in Daniel with Nebuchadnezzar going bonkers then you had to count days as years with another scripture and somehow arrive at 1914 with Jesus on a shining throne! Voila!

    Trying to make sense of the Bible and WTS teachings for someone with a logical mind is enough to give anyone stage fright.

  • Juan Viejo2
    Juan Viejo2

    I gave my first "Sunday" talk when I was still 15 years old - filling in for my father who was scheduled to give the talk but became ill earlier that day. In those days (1959) you would have a fairly complete outline of the scheduled talk, but you would be expected to use your own phrases and expand on it. My father would make some notes and then hand them to me with the standard outline. I typed it all up for him on my typewriter and then underlined sentences and phrases that he should emphasize.

    Dad mostly read his speeches. He'd read the first part of a sentence and then look up at the audience and finish. That made for some interesting comments afterward by some of the visitors who were not used to his style. My approach, even at 15, was a lot more polished - or at least I thought so. In those days, Sunday public talks were almost an hour long and could be quite exciting or boring as hell. (Then there was a 15-20 minute break and then we'd do the Watchtower study for most of another hour.)

    But there was a problem with my notes. I had the original outline with me, but I had 4 pages of notes and text that I would actually be using for the speech. You can imagine my panic when I realized that Dad had given me only 3 pages of notes AFTER I arrived at the podium. So I had to grab the outline and slip into the "slot" where the missing page would have been. But my typed text was full sized and all caps - and the outline was fairly small print and hard to read - plus I'd have to figure out where on the page I was where the missing section would have been. To say I was in meltdown through most of the talk would be a reasonable assumption.

    In those days most Witnesses seemed to be more friendly and understanding - except for some of the old timers who claimed to be "of the Anointed." They tended to be less forgiving and mostly critical of someone in my situation. I often wondered if "love for your brother" didn't leak out them as they got older and closer to their big move uphill to the streets paved with gold that led to Jehovah's castle in the sky. Needless to say, I received some rather scornful looks from several of the older members.

    But I survived that experience. When I turned 19 and was newly married, I was assigned to the "exchange" group and was tasked with giving Sunday talks at other Kingdom Halls in our circuit. By that time I had recovered from the disaster that was my first public talk and my reputation and ego had recovered. I was actually pretty good by then and had given enough talks that I could grab an outline, refresh my memory a bit by looking over and highlighting the "important" points where I would gesture with my right hand and carefully, but forcefully emphasize parts whenever I saw the audience begin to doze or seem inattentive.

    Thank goodness that those days are far behind me. Even though I could breeze through a talk like those with just a half page of notes now - I simply can not imagine getting up on stage and spending 30 minutes telling lies and total BS. If I could go back in time and undo all of that totally wasted presentation of BS - I would.

    Anyone have a spare "time machine" in your garage?

    Juan Viejo

  • Afterburn

    Back when I was PIMI, I used to prepare thoroughly for talks #2 and #4 every week. Every. Week. So that I would be ready in case someone needed a substitute. I often gave talk #2 in the main auditorium and then talk #4 in the library, for 2nd School. I really believed that was an offering of service to God, helping a cult indoctrinate people who mostly did not prepare at all for that meeting. Now, I feel dirty about that despite appreciating what that did for my comfort with public speaking.

  • jp1692

    I was the Theocratic Ministry School Overseer for 14 years. I would get so frustrated with how frequently people would fail to show up for assignments which they voluntarily agreed to take. That and last minute cancellations were the bane of conducting the TMS. The only thing worse was scheduling the Public Talks—which I also did—for the same reasons.

    And, yes, I was always prepared to handle every part in the event it was necessary. What a stressful responsibility. So glad I don’t have to worry about that nonsense anymore.

  • Slidin Fast
    Slidin Fast

    My most stressful event? Hi Bro. SL you OK for the second part of the symposium public talk this morning? "What? I thought it was next week". The talk in those days was based on one of the new books from the last DC. You were supposed to summarise half the book and hang it to an outline I think.

    I had not read the book, looked at the outline or done anything else to prepare. I had half an hour (during the time the first speaker in the symposium took) to throw something together.

    I got on the platform and mangled the next 30 minutes. I used bits of the outline, read random bits of the book out and tried to do so with some semblance of authority, The talk was of course absolute bollocks but would have been however much time I had spent preparing. I am not sure anyone actually noticed since the audience routinely saw public talks as a yawning chasm to endure rather than any form of enjoyable instruction.

  • blondie

    SF, I thought the convention chairman (or his designee) vetted those talks, listening to them.

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