What have you replaced religion with?

by logansrun 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • logansrun

    (Obviously this question is for those who are non-religious in any conventional sense)

    What have you replaced religion with in your life? (By that I mean the religious life with it's rituals, worship and group identity) What is your raison d'etre?


  • SixofNine

    Discussion boards. Discussion boards?

    *shoots self*

    yes, grapes of wrath have produced my raison d'etre

  • Mulan

    TV TV 2

  • gumby

    I have replaced my religion with the 'religion of gumby'..............As soon as I figure out how in the hell we got here, where were going, and why were here,....I'll start my church. Wanna come? It may take awhile.


  • logansrun

    Hmmm....I meant this to be a serious thread and people are making it into a mockery. Oh well.....

  • simplesally

    My daughter and work. I no longer feel guilty about going to work instead of preaching. I put much value on the time I have with my daughter and friends.

  • gumby

    Sorry bradley,

    but for me...I was serious for the most part. Since I have dumped the bible god and the bible, I haven't a clue to lifes answers and so I guess trying to figure out what this is all about would be my religion. There....was that better?


  • Mulan
    Hmmm....I meant this to be a serious thread and people are making it into a mockery.

    Sorry about my being flippant about replacing religion with TV.

    When we first left the WTS, we met with some friends, about every two weeks, and read the Bible together and had a meal afterwards, on Sunday mornings. It satisfied a need we all had for a long time. Some still go.................a very nice older man, who used to be at Bethel, has it at his home. He loves the scriptures, and has helped many of us to make the transition.

    Eventually we didn't need it anymore. I don't believe the Bible anymore, although my husband still does. We have both read volumes and volumes of material relating to what we have been through and the belief system too.

    Now, we stay in touch with many of our ex JW friends, most of whom we have met here, and all of the family too. Having the same background in JW's makes us all very close. Aposotfests are really great for making that connection. I highly recommend it.

  • DanTheMan

    The extra 15-20 hours I have now per week since leaving Watchtower Inc. are now spent watching TV and movies without feeling guilty, hanging out with family without feeling guilty, going to family holiday gatherings without feeling guilty, going to college without feeling guilty, exploring ideas without feeling guilty, thinking about sex without feeling guilty, working extra hours without feeling guilty........

    Ideologically, I don't have the answers. The lack of certainty has indeed left a void that cannot be replaced, but that void is what makes you grow. Wasn't that all profound now...

  • Satanus

    I used to do a lot of reading on spiritual subjects. I spend a lot of time on this board. I meditated regularly for a while. I still do that sometimes, but generally, i'm listening more to what is going on subconsciously.


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