Jehovah`s Witness Elders who were Business men in The Congregations I Attended.

by smiddy3 18 Replies latest jw experiences

  • LongHairGal


    Whether you were ‘planning for the future’ or not, it’s none of the religion’s business that you had a full-time job or business.

    I remember you saying you live in Australia. Maybe the JWs weren’t so much intrusive into people’s personal business as they are here in the U.S. - Here, they think they have a right to be up your behind - and they also have a double standard.. Gross hypocrisy.

    As I mentioned to you once, I experienced awful treatment because I had a job but yet older people who were affluent or with a business (whether they were elders or not) were left alone. Imagine that? They thought they would push ‘poverty’ for younger baby boomers back then. I know of three single females who are ‘poor’ today because they listened to this! One gets by with help from non-JW family.

    But, thankfully, I never listened to this garbage and am retired today. I wouldn’t want any of the stuck-up pioneers my age who thought I wasn’t ‘spiritual’ coming near me looking for money.. I’d never open my purse for any of them.

  • HiddlesWife

    LongHairGal=> I know what you mean. There are dubs (SPIMIs, particularly) who would be overly critical of the type of jobs plus the educational background of dubs they don't personally like/disrespect.

    Also, within a few past congs I attended, brothers, regardless of their titles, were encouraged to be leery of sisters who had college/ university degrees, attended business school, and had certain types of employment. This included sisters who lived on their own! These bros were influenced to date plus marry sisters who only obtained a high school diploma/ GED, worked either temp or part-time, and lived at home with their parents/guardians! They did not want sisters who were classified as INDEPENDENT--the POV of those in the congs who had backward/reactionary stinkin' thinking. Welp, for those sisters who didn't get hooked up with the likes of those, I applaud them--they are FREE and don't have to deal with those sorts of problems! 👏🏽👍🏽

  • LongHairGal


    Yeah, it was a pretty sick mentality there in the Witness religion as far as I was concerned and that’s why now I wouldn’t so much as give a dime and would run from them.

    I also saw what you mentioned about them wanting or favoring females who had no education, lived home - in other words BORN INS or at least raised in. I couldn’t care less they (males or females) didn’t like me or were afraid of me because I was ‘independent’. I saw the discrimination and lack of trust and always thought to was this religion supposed to grow when they were downright hostile to newcomers who had a job or education? They actually push people out the door whether they know it or not. Of course, this is a blessing in disguise.

    But, it’s all very much in the past and I’m glad I’m Out and retired.. I did the wise thing to look out for myself.

    But, getting back to the OP: where he lives he worked and had no problem with criticism. So, there is/was a terrible double standard and hypocrisy in pushing poverty for a certain segment of people there but not others! This is definitely not Okay with me.

  • 3rdgen

    I can name at least 10 brothers who started Businesses in the1980s who are now multimillionaires

    They worked very hard and did not live beyond their means at the time. They were not "Used" as "Servants or Elders" they were not considered "Exemplary" even though they usually had at least a few JW employees.

    Now that 30-40 years have passed they retired/sold their businesses, are FILTHY RICH, and are now ELDERS.

    By ignoring Watchtower councel Then, they have great lives Now. They are the happiest of JWs -Rich and Prominant.

    I was in their social circles then and might still be if it weren't for learning TTATT. I can't stomach the phony JW life anymore and my former "friends" clearly haven't missed me.

  • 3rdgen

    In addition, I'm sure these Rich elders I mentioned above, are counseling the younger ones to "Keep their eye simple"

    Easy for them to say...

  • LongHairGal


    Any so-called ‘rich’ elder who pushes poverty and tells any gullible younger person to ‘keep their eye simple’ deserves to rot.

    I am surprised they don’t have angry older poor people people tracking them down asking for money after being misled.

    This is probably my biggest beef with the religion: them selectively pushing poverty on a certain segment of the congregation - mostly younger and mainly women. I am sorry this is still happening.

    I was directly targeted back then and will never forget it.. Thankfully, I never paid any heed to these #&%ing hypocrites.

  • Foolednomore

    The difference with me is I encourage the young to save and work hard and invest. Don't waste your life on empty dreams and promises that Watchtower gives. This what I told my children. All of them are doing well.

  • LongHairGal


    I’m glad you told your children that and they turned out well.

    I honestly don’t know how any Witness can live with themselves if they pushed poverty on gullible younger people and they saw those same people struggling years later. I honestly think they have a moral obligation to help them in some way.

    But, that’s just my opinion. I am certainly glad I never said such stupid things to anybody. If anything, I pulled younger JWs aside and told them they better financially plan for their future.

  • DesirousOfChange

    The first thought that I had come to mind when reading the title was that the "businessmen" (at least the successful ones) were held on high and given prominent roles in the Borg. Evidently® Joe Hoover was blessing those men, just as he did Abraham and Job.

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