Have you ever honestly had Jehovah ansure your prayer?

by Singing Man 38 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • expatbrit

    When I was young I prayed to Jehovah to help me find the path of righteousness. This was after reading a Watchtower magazine. To my amazement the doorbell rang! when I answered it, there was the local Circuit Overseer! He told me that when driving by my house he had this irresistible urge to call on me.

    I would have invited him in to start a Bible study, but standing behind him were these two smokin' hot blondes dressed up like Smurfette. So I told him to piss off and invited them in instead. Thank you Jehovah!


  • Dansk

    He doesn't answer your prayers because Jehovah isn't God! I used to pray hard and whenever something good happened I gave Jehovah all the credit - but 99.99% of the time nothing good did happen! But what did I do? I just said "Oh, Jehovah obviously knows it isn't right for me!" In other words, Jehovah couldn't lose. He got all the credit when things were great and never got blamed when they sucked!


  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    Yes, several times. I thought about mentioning the ones that have stand out as direct answers, but from my past experience on this board, anything mentioned of a 'spiritual' nature is met with - "well, it was probably a co-incidence", "you just THOUGHT that happened", "how can you PROVE it", etc., etc. etc. So, I put it out there, you don't have to believe it or not, just my experiences that I KNOW happened and ones which I don't care one way or another if other people believe them or not. For me, it's a comfort to know Someone IS listening and cares. Do I get answers all the time - no, I'm left to search and figure out things for myself, but the times when I really HAD to have an answer - yes.

    Many years ago I heard a couple of sayings which I have found to be true. God will never act on things that you can accomplish yourself, He'll help you understand what needs to be done, but He isn't Santa Clause. and "Pray as if everything depended on God, but act as if everything depended on you". In other words, don't just believe, but put belief into action and that becomes faith.

  • barbar

    I once thought he did when I found a 5 pound note just before an assembly. That money helped me to attend. But in reality he never answered me when I prayed for help for 15 years because I was stuggling with my faith.

    To reinforce the fact that prayers are not answered I recall an experience at a convention. A sister said that she wanted to pioneer and that Jehovah answered her prayers when her employer made her redundant. As it happened she worked for British Telecom and at that time 1000's of people where made redundant. I wonder how many were witnesses how relied on their jobs?

    Just so one sister could pioneer Jehovah put 1000s of people (including other witnesses) out of work. I even heard other say that jehovah had blessed them when the money in their purse was exactly the same amount as their shopping cost.

    People just believe what they want to believe.

  • donkey

    Yeah Jehovah told me to piss off and get a life

  • Mysterious

    I think a lot of things can be put down to co-incidence. I mean how many times did you go to a meeting or read a magazine and it discussed a certain subject but you didn't give much thought to it. Then when you pray for answers and there is a meeting or a publication on it it seems like an answer. In reality you are just more sensitive to information that has been pushed all along.

  • czarofmischief
    Yeah Jehovah told me to piss off and get a life

    In many ways, that's pretty much the answer I got as well. I am nervous (given the enormous hostility I sense on this board) about mentioning it, but frankly, I feel that God has answered my prayers uttered to the name "Jehovah", although I think He's bigger than the desert god that originally bore that name.

    I think that God helps you help yourself. And yet sometimes, He pulls strings for you and gives you presents. And sometimes He lets you suffer the consequences of your actions. I mean, really, are any of us on this board REALLY wishing that He'd helped us stay in the Borg? Are any of us secretly hoping that an elder will call right now? Why not? Because those people don't have what we need at this point in our lives.

    I'm not going to tell anyone else what to believe. I'm just going to say that calling upon Jehovah's name has worked, and helped me find answers, and given me the strength to keep breathing when it seemed that there was no way out.

    Plus He's a very quirky person. A bad mF.


  • drwtsn32

    How can you tell if your prayer has been answered or if it was just coincidence? You can't!

    I refuse to believe that God would answer any of our petty prayers when so many major atrocities happen all over the world without God doing anything about it. Doesn't make sense at all.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    How can you tell if your prayer has been answered or if it was just coincidence? You can't!

    Maybe with some prayers that is true, but with others, there can be NO doubt.

    I refuse to believe that God would answer any of our petty prayers when so many major atrocities happen all over the world
    Well then that settles it.... no answered prayers for you .
  • czarofmischief
    How can you tell if your prayer has been answered or if it was just coincidence? You can't!

    No. YOU can't tell if my prayer was answered or not. I can.

    I refuse to believe that God would answer any of our petty prayers when so many major atrocities happen all over the world without God doing anything about it. Doesn't make sense at all.

    How can you say that when so many atrocities have come CLOSE to happening without happening? Hitler didn't win, Kruzchev backed down, and Attila decided not to sack Rome. The fact that some atrocities happen doesn't prove anything, and neither does the fact that others don't.

    Have YOU ever asked God to do anything about these atrocities? Maybe he'd listen to you. Or not. Isn't it His prerogative? As Jesus said to Peter, when Peter was being nosy about what was going to happen to John, "If he is to remain until I come, what is that to you?" Shouldn't you be more concerned about whether or not you are doing the right thing in your time, in your sphere? Then maybe you can branch out and save the world. First, remove the rafters from your own eyes, then worry about the straws across the oceans.


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