The "Critical Times" Con-Game - Dec. 15 Watchtower

by metatron 40 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • heathen

    czar--- The greedy industrialists I am referring to are the ones that illegally dump toxic waste in drinking water such has been the case in mexico and also they really don't care about the environment so they lower the government legal standards for pollution so they can mass produce stuff at a faster rate meanwhile we have to breath in this crap they put in our air . I think canada had a problem with acid rain back in the 80's. I don't know if they still do . The lakes could not support an eco system .

    corrupt governments are the governments that abuse power and kill people for stuff like free speach . Has been known to happen in china .

    Those that are opposed to christianity are taking the lead in some countries like georgia where they burn down buildings and beat religionists of different denominations . The muslims are also known to persecute and murder innocent people .

    I do agree that religionists in the US have gone too far with greed and fraud but at least people are not being beaten and abused over it . I think tho that the bible does have a message and should not be banned anywhere in the world . There is a message of hope for mankind If people could learn tollerance .

    Leolaia-- I am aware that some prophesies did have a dual fulfillment such as a lesser and greater depending on what time you live in . Many of the judgements such as stated in Isaiah didn't actually take place for some 200 yrs . The destruction of Isreal at the hands of babylon .The messianic kingdom and the destruction of world governments was talked about and still has not arrived . I still don't think that the babylon mentioned in revelations was about the roman empire unless ( this is a WTBTS statement) The US and europe are still considered part of the roman empire .

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