Master & Commander - Movie/Film

by BluesBrother 26 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Englishman

    Just been to see it.

    Loved the way that they pretended to be a whaler to lure in the fast Froggy ship then gave it a broadside!


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas


    Be careful sticking your tongue so far into your cheek, lest you bite it.

    We all know that Moby Dick was a movie about a Wookie going to college. Remember the party scene? to-GA! to-Ga! If Charlie's Angels didin't arrive when they did, I'm sure all of that money would have been lost.

    See you at the movies!

    OK, seriously - I thought "Master and Commander" was a GREAT movie, and when I saw Peter Weir's name roll by on the credits, I said, "Well of course!"

    Have any of you seen "The Last Wave" ? (it's not about football at Elsewhere's High School).

  • Eyebrow2

    Have not had the opportunity to see the 5000 children usually banish my husband and me to dvd land....

    I have to say, though, that when I heard it was called Master and Commander, I wondered if perhaps it was a S&M movie with Russell Crowe...hmmmm that I might go to the theater to see!

  • Pork Chop
    Pork Chop

    Megadude they put two cameramen on a yachting expedetion that actually went around the Horn. Those guys filmed most of the storm stuff, they said it was the most terrify experience of their lives. They also bought the only real live frigate in existence for filming the movie, a lot of the stuff shot at sea was completely real.

  • Mulan

    We saw it two weeks ago. I didn't expect to like it, because I am more into comedies and love stories, and these kinds of movies tend to be too sad for me, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. A happy ending for once. I love Russell Crowe too, a wonderful actor.

  • Surreptitious

    Marvelous movie based on superb books.

  • Pork Chop
    Pork Chop

    I'm reading the whole lot again. Then I'm going to read Hornblower and Bolitho as well.

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