School Shooting in Indiana Middle School 5/25/18

by humbled 7 Replies latest social current

  • humbled

    They are still burying the children in Santa Fe, Texas. And it happened again today in Indiana. No one killed but some injured. Suspect arrested. A boy.

  • scratchme1010

    My most sincere condolences to the victims's loved ones.

  • flipper

    If it wasn't for that teacher Mr. Seaman tackling the young shooter and knocking the gun out of his hand, this would have been another massacre with perhaps 10 to 20 kids dead. As it was only one girl is in critical, but stable condition and the teacher got hurt, but will be fine. The teacher is a hero for sure.

    When are the leaders of this country going to learn ? It's sad, but we have to protect our young people more than the government - No.1 Because we as teachers & parents care more personally for these kids, and No. 2 because the government really doesn't give a damn

  • truth_b_known


    You hit the nail on the head. Don't ever sit back and wait on Uncle Sam to come helping. We need to address this as individual communities.

  • blownaway

    Well Flipper, its not that easy. There are things that can be done but the left fights them because they want a total gun ban. This is the end game. Has been for years. Schools can harden. Limited access and egress and metal detectors. Anyone who says that is crazy has never been to an airport. Second is to hire or give training to teachers who are inclined or have previous training with guns to CCW. There is not way to make it safe all the time but you can limit it. If you banned all guns, which will not happen unless the 2nd amendment is repealed and that is not going to happen, then some kid could steal his dads truck and run over and kill many people. Look at what Muslims are doing. Some gas in a glass bottle with a rag, and the list goes on and on. I think another thing is people think that they should be able to sit around and have the big GOV protect them. You and I and everyone has personal responsibility for our own protection. When seconds count the police are only minutes away.

  • flipper

    BLOWNAWAY- The left does NOT want a total gun ban. They want responsible gun control laws that make it mandatory to have background checks on unstable mentally sick people who have medical records indicating & documenting their condition. And then restrict such persons from purchasing guns on the legal market. I know, I know - some will buy them illegally off the black market, but at least it would be a start.

    Arming teachers is insane. Better to have 2 to 3 trained law enforcement officers at each school than arming teachers. Teachers are there to teach kids, not shoot and defend kids. THAT is the state & federal governments responsibility to work in cooperation with local officials in towns & cities to MAKE that happen. Would the federal government pay teachers more to defend kids on top of teaching them ? Doubtful.

    Hey- here's a thought- Why doesn't congress pour some of those billions of $$$$ into providing armed protection for American school children - than say trying to get into a pissing match with every Tom, Dick, and Harry foreign power that doesn't fit into this particular president's game plan ?

    Of course we have responsibility to protect our children. But so does the federal government by not allowing the NRA to financially hold Republican congressmen in a stranglehold where they are unwilling or impotent to do the ethical, correct, and moral thing- like protect children ? It's not as difficult as you say. Once these congressmen swallow their greed and stop enabling the NRA's power. O.K. Slings and arrows time

  • FedUpJW
    Comment removed
  • Diogenesister
    When are the leaders of this country going to learn ? It's sad, but we have to protect our young people more than the government - No.1 Because we as teachers & parents care more personally for these kids, and No. 2 because the government really doesn't give a damn. Peace out, Mr. Flipper

    Well said!!

    and who in f:@*# name pressed dislike on Flippers statement???

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