by morty 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • morty

    I guess I am going to learn how to breathe again...should be interesting...Where do I find these tapes? Sally which dump ares your at?


  • little witch
    little witch

    Morton, I love ya honey. I do...

    Thanksgivin = turkey, gravy, mashed taters, rolls dressing, noodles, and no less than 23 kinda pies. (along with your favoite alcoholic bevs)

    This is but a precurser to the Christmas festivities that involve all of the above, plus, ham, sweet taters, fruit cake (yep, funny what folks will eat when it is on the plate), more mashed taters and gravy, 57 types of pie, egg nog, special drinks, more beer, etc.

    There is simply no way to make these decadent tid-bits low calorie.... Booo Hoooo!!!

    Endulge, and do so with the satisfaction that we shall all need to pay for our sins in February. That is February, not January, cause everybody knows that new years resolutions count for squat cause we were under the influence.

    Happy Holidays!!!!! (I feel bigger already, and will deal with it in may)!!!

  • SpunkyChick
  • morty

    Little witch,

    sweet taters??? Can I ask what the heck are they?

    23 kinds of pie sound good,but 53 sounds even

    I guess I am not alone on this matter.....Maybe it is the bev's that put the weight on? maybe I will try lite eggnog with my rum?

    spunk....You have made it veeeery clear that you want me to try this breatheing thing....mail me the tapes then!


  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    Little witch,

    sweet taters??? Can I ask what the heck are they?

    Little Witch has signed off until the first of the year..

    I'll translate: sweet taters = sweet potatoes or yams

  • morty

    Thanks double edge


  • Scully

    mortons68 writes:

    This is the newest one I think I am going to try after the new year...The Burnstein Diet....Has anyone tryed this one? its sounds not too bad, but I heard it is one of the most strictest diets around.....oh and you also have to get three shots in your a$$ every week...I guess if your getting that many shots in your butt, it does not allow you to sit down, so you have no choice but to stand or excerise?

    I am really thinking about trying this one though...It is very expensive too....Does anyone know if it is covered under your health insurance?

    A few of my colleagues have gone to the local Bernstein clinic. It IS very expensive. When they started back in August of 2002, they were paying $125/week. Three visits (weigh-ins with Vitamin B12 shots) weekly. You still have to buy groceries on top of that. Like Weight Watchers, you have to write down everything you put in your mouth. But your food choices are drastically limited. You aren't even allowed to eat carrots or watermelon!! You are limited to 500 calories per day. If you don't follow the diet to the letter or you aren't getting the advertised results (16-20 pounds/month), they boot you off the program. They don't want you dragging down their statistics.

    It is NOT covered under the provincial health care plan. It is NOT covered by group insurance plans either (well it was initially - you could get your doctor to write a prescription for "weight loss injections, 3 times weekly" - but they caught on to it and started refusing to cover it under most plans). For that kind of money ($500/month), I'd sooner spend it on lots of fruits and veggies and lean cuts of meat and chicken and fish and a $50/month membership at the local gym. In the long run, it's healthier for you too, because you are teaching yourself how to control your weight yourself, rather than relying on someone to do it for you.

    Weight loss and weight control really require you to commit to life-long life-style changes, otherwise you'll end up repeating the cycle over and over and over. A person also needs to do some soul searching and figure out why their weight is a problem, why they choose to overindulge and why they choose not to engage in physical activity. If a person isn't ready to do that level of introspection, no weight loss efforts are going to end up with permanent results.

    BTW, I'm sending you a PM.

    Love, Scully

  • Sassy

    personally I think when the holidays are on and all the delicious treats and meals and beverages and parties and etc etc flowing.. one should be on a SEAFOOD DIET... See Food, Eat Food.

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