by morty 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • morty

    I hate them and they suck....

    Do you have any suggestions? I dont know about you, but I always end up putting on at least 2-5 lbs on, over the holidays....Why can't I have fun like everyone else and not suffer any side effects? I dont want to hear .....

    Make smaller plates.....because then everyone knows that your dieting.....Scale

    Try lite beer ......because then you have twice has much to get any kind of enjoyment, or buzzzz so to speak.....Chugger

    bring a nice fruit plate to the party.....who the hell wants fruit with your beer?Orange

    dont nibble when your drinking....then I get totally pissed drinking so much light beer.....Pretzel

    try the white meat of the trukey insted of the dark........I like my meat dark!!!!!!.( not burnt though).Carve The Turkey

    Anyways, Happy Thanks giving for my USA friends Happy Thanksgiving 2 and a Merry Christmas to allHo Ho Ho.but I really would like some good suggestions how not to, put on any extra lbs this holiday.....


    Dont tell me to go to the Gym either...Weighing...its out!

  • Sassy

    I never count caleries around times when I know there will be so much food around and expectations to eat by friends. Not start a diet any way then. Other wise if you fall off, it is hard to get back on.

    I don't plan on starting on a program to lose a few pounds till after New Years.

    Happy Holidays to you too my friend.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge


    Eat all you want, enjoy yourself. Then go home and chug a slug of epecac (sp)... it's for those who've taken poison... it make you hurl, quickly.... (hey, you wanted something simple )

  • morty

    Is that the charcoal stuff?..ya know, that black crap that the hospital gives you when have somethng in you,that has to come back up?.....If it is, that is certainly taken the fun out of the hoildays..Vomit....I think I rather put on 5lbs....

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    Vomit....I think I rather put on 5lbs....

    Yep... it's all about 'choices' isn't it.

  • morty

    Why should I, have a choice though?Why can't I have good time like anyone else, without putting on weight? Please,people, I cannot be the one here, having to go throught this?

    sns.....Yeah, I am giving up the fact of dieting through the holidays is a waste of time, But,Do you find that, you get a extra layer of skin for the hoildays?......Maybe it is just me......Maybe it is my body telling me I need to be a little warmer at this time of year?...huh, just a thought....


  • SpunkyChick

    Body Flexing....

    It looks silly but it works...

    Also read the book, Why Diets Still Don't Work

  • simplesally

    I got that Body Flex and it just made me laugh. I could not believe she wanted me to breathe that way! I mean it, I could not stop laughing and threw away those tapes.

  • morty

    You mean you just breathe and the pounds just fall off spunk?

    You would think that if you were laughing Simpl, that would be enough breathing for the pounds to roll off eh?

    This is the newest one I think I am going to try after the new year...The Burnstein Diet....Has anyone tryed this one? its sounds not too bad, but I heard it is one of the most strictest diets around.....oh and you also have to get three shots in your a$$ every week...I guess if your getting that many shots in your butt, it does not allow you to sit down, so you have no choice but to stand or excerise?

    I am really thinking about trying this one though...It is very expensive too....Does anyone know if it is covered under your health insurance?


  • SpunkyChick
    I got that Body Flex and it just made me laugh. I could not believe she wanted me to breathe that way! I mean it, I could not stop laughing and threw away those tapes.

    Simplesally - I know, it's pretty funny looking. Too bad you didn't give it a try tho....In a matter of two weeks I'd dropped 11 inches off my entire body, while still eating pizza and chocolate. It works!

    Morton - yes, you do deep diaphramic breathing techniques. It looks really funny and sounds wierd, but if you do it religiously for 15 min. everday, you'll see results.

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