Elder asks my disfellowshipped cousin to leave house while grieving for his grandmother

by RULES & REGULATIONS 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • BluesBrother

    That elder is way out of line , whether you consider it from a normal human aspect or even the Watchtower’s own guidelines.

    “Necessary family business “ is the phrase used that allows interaction in these circumstances, plus common sense although some of them don’t have that.

    On the better side, I have seen a couple of WT deaths in which the rules were relaxed to allow a d/f child or grandchild to be there and to mingle with us - until after the funeral anyway.

  • StephaneLaliberte

    I sincerely believe that the actions of that elder don't represent the written teachings of the watchtower. I often heard of people not even being told about someone passing away, but THIS. wow!

    On the better side, I have seen a couple of WT deaths in which the rules were relaxed to allow a d/f child or grandchild to be there and to mingle with us - until after the funeral anyway.

    When one of my disfellowshipped relatives died in a car accident, there were two elders from two different congregations I attended that showed up to the hospital. While we were in a room with our dearly departed, the only one IN the religion was me; everyone else was either disfellowshipped (4), inactive (2) or non JW. One of the elders stayed outside and was nice to anyone who wanted to talk to him. The other one came right into the room, talked with everyone. And since the majority there still, in their hearts, believed in the JW, he prayed for everyone. To this day, I still hold that man in high regards.

    Only in the land of Jehovah's Witnesses will you find this disgusting and heartless behavior!

    I don't know if its only in the JWs, but one thing for sure, is that even if their writings don't condone the actions of that elder, they still create an environment that enables it. And that's where JWs need to understand that they shouldn't judge their religion solely by their writings but also by the actions of the people making that group. These are the "fruits" that they produce.

    I'm also curious: weren't there other JWs in that house? Ministerial Servants? Other elders? I wonder what they thought of all this.

  • cofty

    It would make the Pharisees blush.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim


  • My Name is of No Consequence
    My Name is of No Consequence

    I'm not surprised.

  • HiddlesWife

    Firstly, I'm very sorry that this happened to your cousin. This elduh had NO DAMN right to make this judgment call!

    Secondly--and this is a SIDEBAR point--, WT has influenced (and more than likely under-the-cuff mandated) elduhs to act like "Spiritual Policemen"* even when it comes to household situations. A couple of decades ago, there was a sister [I'll call her "Q" (who at the time was PIMO but is now POMO)], who didn't get to attend KH meetings as often due to not only being Mentally Out but primarily because of her job schedule. Getting to the heart of the matter, 4 out of the 6 cong elduhs and 2 MSs noticed this. These jamowckers came to Q's home (she lived with her widowed mother and 2 siblings), and tried to convince her mom to "KICK her out of the house"! 😨 After a large argument between the family and these elduhs, her mother plus 1 of her siblings under pressure from this group of men, made arrangements for Q to leave. They claimed that Q was a "spiritual danger" to her family. Thankfully, Q had her job and her own car. So, she after 2 weeks, ended up living with an NI (Never In) relative until she can find her own place. A few months later, Q finally woke up to TTATT and eventually left The Borg. Although she went through all of the above, I say: "GOOD 4 HER!"! 👏🏻👏🏽💯

    *Spiritual Policemen": What GB1.0 (Sidlik, Schroeder, Swingle, etc.) told in talks and within some past literature that the BOEs plus MSs are not and are not to become towards the flock. It was mentioned that family heads (males and females) and single adult dubs are to make their own decisions based on the Bible and the literature (at that time) when it came to problems/issues. The elduhs are not to be called for everything and not to involve themselves in everything/aspect of a JWs life. Now, with GB2.0 at the helm, things are WAY DIFFERENT! 🤨

  • LongHairGal


    This is outrageous and these elders have clearly overstepped their boundaries!


    You mean to say that a ‘sister’ living home (apparently not guilty of any serious sin) but who had a job that interfered with meeting attendance - warranted busybody elders to go to her home and ask her family to throw her out???

    Society in general has to be made aware that the Witness religion has done things like this! In my case, I also had a full-time job I was knocked for!.. Thank God, I didn’t come from a Witness home. If I did maybe I could have expected the same thing! Imagine the audacity of these rats?

    I am happy for this woman as she got out of this trap of a religion! Me too! The sickest irony of the situation is if we were both active in the religion now, we would be targeted to give money for people there who never wanted to work.👎 ..This is the biggest reason I’m happy I’m Out.

  • Fisherman

    Depends on what he did no so much for being df. Fair to say some people are fanatical but he is entitled to his feelings as you are to yours.

  • GLTirebiter

    "Necessary family business" means asking for money or nagging you to come back and attend Memorial. The rest is optional!

  • hoser

    Who’s house is it anyway?

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