Does anyone else get “triggered” when somebody uses the word “triggered”?

by slimboyfat 14 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    @blondie: the majority of the people online that get triggered never had any trauma. Moreover, if you’re that sensitive, stay away from online forums and/or get therapy or get institutionalized.

    If you’re truly triggered by something I say, then that’s a YOU problem and YOU should get help, not a pretext to shut down the speech you don’t want to hear.

  • blondie

    Anony Mous, evidently, you have a different definition of trauma. Just being in a cult or abusive organization cause great trauma. People don't always know what will trigger them until it happens. I think considering this meant to be an ex-jw discussion board, if everyone stayed away that still had some painful issues with the WTS, there would not be many people here. I think you seem to have a problem too.

  • Simon

    I agree with Anony Mous - the claim of being "triggered" is nowadays predominantly used by people who treat it as a convenient prop to silence views they don't agree with. Nothing todo with genuine trauma at all.

    The people misusing it deserved to be triggered mercilessly until they are a wailing puddle on the floor. Hopefully, with it filmed for its comedy gold value.

    Those who have suffered real actual trauma should not be unduly subjected to unnecessary reminders of it, but also owe themselves and others some personal responsibility not to expose themselves to where such reminders may appear or be too keen to see them where they are not intended.

  • StoneWall

    Hmmm this makes me think of Roy Rogers horse back from the 1930's and 1940's that he made famous in his movies.
    5 bucks in fake counterfeit Monopoly money to the first correct answer.

  • punkofnice

    It's another boring buzzword.

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