He totally blew smoke up my a$$!!

by LovesDubs 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • SheilaM

    LoveDubs: Well, you can see the attitude by the asinine comment by Swordofhuh? Seems that he forgets the spiritual advice is To love your wife as yourself, god etc. I can't imagine why you would have reacted any other way. I hope all works out but I sure would make it hard for him, on meeting nights I would be eating at a movie or something with the kids. Best of luck

  • Scully


    Take a trip to Home Depot and buy a new set of locks for the doors. Disable a garage door opener if you have one. Go speak to a lawyer and get a restraining order against hubby. The passive aggressive crap is emotional and mental abuse. Use the lingo recognized by the courts to stop the crap dead in its tracks. Your kids don't need to be learning those behaviours either, so do them a favor and make it stop.

    Then take all his crap and dump it on the front lawn in garbage bags.

    Have the cops there when he gets back to escort him to all the Loving? folks in his congregation and see who wants him to spend the night at their place.

    You need to stop putting up with the crap in order for the crap to stop. He said himself that he never had any intention of keeping his end of the bargain, so why should you keep yours. Get him out. Don't abandon your home, kick his arse to the curb and don't look back.

    Love, Scully

  • mustang

    Hi LovesDubs,

    Glad to see you back. I remember your posts from old H2O & later with fondness. Some of them were hilarious. I still like the one about "birds picking you over like a Macdonald's French fry in the parking lot" or some such.

    Don't lose your sense of humor, for it is tops!!!!

    "You have mail": use it in good health. You may not be going that route, but BE PREPARED!!!!!!!!


  • Nosferatu

    double post. Sword of Jah's fault.

  • Nosferatu
    You seem like a loving wife, why in the world would he want out of that lovely marriage?

    Aaaaah! Sword of Joe is back!! <waves at SOJ> Lovesdubs, If I was in the situation that you're in, I'd make his life a living hell. I'd burn all the WT literature (sorry SOJ), take a dump in his briefcase, put a sign that says "Welcome to the home of Apostates - Population: 2" in the front yard. But that's just me. I'm a real asshole if I want to get revenge. Maybe you shouldn't take my advice and go the legal route.

  • Xandria

    Take what you can from this and use it. Protect yourself and your family. IF he won't go to counseling it doesn't mean you cannot go. Work on yourself and bettering your situtation. It is apparent you are growing apart more than growing together which is painful enough with out adding a hostile religion to it. You need all the mental and emotional support you can possibly garner. Keep us posted.


  • shamus

    I can't imagine what you are going through right now... just get him the hell outta there! Listen to Scully.. her advice sounds good!


  • Gordy


    I remember when you told us that your husband thought your books were demonizing his WT, I laughed.

    After I had been forced to leave my family home because I was a "spiritual danger" my wife set about removing every trace of me from the house.

    Every book, item, whether JW or "worldly" and I had large collections of books. Was thrown out, it case it was demonised and would affect the home.

    Thats not all every room in the house that I had decorated was stripped and redone, just in case the wallpaper contained any demonic images etc. Anything that I had any connection with was removed from the house. From what I gather from my two children you are allowed to see me, there is not any photograph of me in the house.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    they are nothing compared to my being DEAD TO JEHOVAH"....

    haha... he's really got to get new material. Tell him that's the line Jim Jones and David Koresh used in their cults to try to control their people too.

  • Odrade
    every room in the house that I had decorated was stripped and redone, just in case the wallpaper contained any demonic images etc

    I'm sorry, but I am LMAO!!! This is the funniest thing I have read all day. Something my crazy-ass fanatical Dubby mother would do. We have this framed pic of great-grandparents or something... my dad really wants it, they are his relatives. But my loony mother won't let it in the house, she says it's demonized.

    (((LovesDubs)))) Sorry you're having such turmoil at home. Glad your kids see through the smokescreen.

    Good luck.


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