Remember...Remember...The Sixth of November?

by JW_Rogue 21 Replies latest jw experiences

  • JW_Rogue

    Some big announcement or reveal is coming from the borg November 6th, according to the exjw Reddit.

    What do you guys think it could be?

    My guess is a study companion to go with their new Jesus series, they really need to rebrand at this point.

  • WingCommander

    This is all such BS. You really think WT HQ is dumb enough at this point to ship something out almost 6 months in advance? They know they've got moles and leakers out here releasing everything ahead of time.

    This is a big nothing burger. Probably just the Service Overseer's order for WT and Awake! for the year. It's one box, because they hardly put out anything anymore and are pressured to order the bare minimum for distribution. Everything is pushed to be viewed online now. (incredible sight to behold for a once great Publishing Cult)

    EDIT: Ok, I take it back. WT HQ apparently IS fuggin' dumb enough to do something like this. WTF???? I read the "confidential" memo to the Elduhz. Has this ever even happened before? Shocking stupidity. Or maybe a way to find out moles? Each box could be different in some way, and whomever releases the info could then easily be traced, or at least narrowed down to (1) small Elduh Body. This is cult crazy. lol

  • Listener

    I doubt the aim is to catch moles. it would only take one who then makes the info public, then there wouldn’t be any need for most moles to open the box in their congregation. It’s too much work to go to when there are simpler options.

    The day of opening coincides with a monthly broadcast so it sounds like there will be an announcement.

    It possibly has something to do with the one public Watchtower and Awake for 2024. They’ll probably hype up the articles to make it kinda, sorta, sound like a hailstone message and the Awake magazine presenting all the doom and gloom from the past 100 years.

    I think it’s a possibility because it won’t matter if the box gets open and read or made public because it won’t say anything more than what they’ve said at one time or another in the past. The November broadcast however, could make it seem like it’s much more than it actually is, that is, they’ll hype it up.

  • FFGhost
    The day of opening coincides with a monthly broadcast so it sounds like there will be an announcement.

    Yeah that’s it exactly.

    The sheep are not responding with the unbridled frenetic ecstasy that the gb was hoping for with regards to the door to door work.

    So, they’ll probably announce in the November JW broadcast some sort of “special campaign”, maybe an official “Kingdom News #896” (or whatever number they are up to) for some upcoming month. The “confidential boxes” will contain the congregation’s allotment of tracts.

    It may well be some sort of “hard hitting message” like the by-now forgotten “The End of False Religion is Near” tract campaign maybe 20-25 years ago. Something to get the householders riled up to feed the JW persecution complex.

    They’ll announce the “special campaign” on the November broadcast, then distribute the tracts at the CLAM that week.

    Watch for lots of “don’t miss the November broadcast! Don’t miss the meeting the first week of November!” breathless announcements in advance.

    It’s little more than a silly enthusiasm generator to try to get JWs back to the Kingdom Hall (they’ll say you can only get the tracts at the KH) and back in the door to door work (they’ll say it’s essential that “everyone” gets the tract).

    In other words: same old, same old.

  • FFGhost

    Oh yeah, it also occurs to me:

    They want it kept “confidential” to increase the “wow factor”.

    Think of the intellectually challenged JWs response to seeing a JW broadcast of a “vitally important special campaign” on a Monday evening, then going to the KH a day or 2 later and getting that very tract in their hands that evening at the CLAM.

    ”Oh how thrilling! How fast is Jehovah’s chariot! How efficient is the organization!”

    Not realizing, of course, that the tracts have been sitting in boxes gathering mold in the KH storeroom for the previous 4 months.


  • WingCommander

    OK, ok.........

    It's the "Study Bible" they've been tolling away on now for several years. Completed and shipped, and these are the first runs. The JW Broadcasting for November is that Monday, so it all coincides. I'm sure Geoffrey Jackson or Mark Sanderson (whichever one collects the old bibles) will get the honour of announcing it to the world.

    (((( YAWN ))))

  • Gorb

    This seems to be a new marketing trick.

    Who invents things like this?!?


  • Journeyman
    This seems to be a new marketing trick.

    I think FFGhost is right - this is not really new, as such, as FFG reminds us of the old "Kingdom News" campaigns that were around in the tail end of the GB1.0 in the '90s (and possibly early 2000s? I can't remember exactly when they stopped doing those).

    The new dimension is that now they have their televangelist channel JW Broadcasting and the GB "update" videos to increase the hype in the run-up to November.

    As a couple of others have speculated, I suspect it will be either a new Organised book (with 'exciting' new info, possibly including changes to some of the processes and procedures in congregations, maybe how they're formed, how bros are appointed, how baptisms and unbaptised pubs are arranged, etc) or a 'special' campaign like the previously mentioned Kingdom News campaigns.

    As said, it's probably something to try and stir up fresh enthusiasm among the rank and file, and if there's one thing we know about the new GB2.0, it's also that they are determined to stamp their mark on the org and tear up most of what went before, so it will probably also be something to radically change one or more aspects of JW life, either in the congregation or in the ministry.

    Time will tell. It's interesting, but knowing their past track record, only in the sense of an eye-rolling "What on earth have they dreamed up now?"

    There may not be any leaks yet, but I suspect that the ExJW community will know what it is before November 6th. It's a long time until the autumn...

  • Ding

    Maybe Armageddon will come invisibly on that date.

    At least it seems that the GB doesn't think it will come between now and then.

  • Jeffro


    It's the "Study Bible" they've been tolling away on now for several years. Completed and shipped, and these are the first runs. The JW Broadcasting for November is that Monday, so it all coincides. I'm sure Geoffrey Jackson or Mark Sanderson (whichever one collects the old bibles) will get the honour of announcing it to the world.

    Unlikely. The 'Study' NWT has been progressively worked on for some time, and the study notes on the online version, which have only been done for the New Testament, go as far as Philemon. Since the content is online already, it wouldn't be 'confidential', and since they haven't finished the study notes for the New Testament, the boxes wouldn't be ready to go out this month.

    6 November is the first day of the week that will consider the study articles in the September issue of The Watch Tower, which might give more of a clue if it's something to do with their 'message'. Otherwise, it might be an updated 'Organised' book. (Probably not the 'Shepherd' book, which they're more paranoid about being leaked.)

    The 'announcement' about the 'confidential boxes' is only for 'Service Overseers', so the general 'rank and file' won't officially know the boxes exist until November.

    (I do suspect they are working on an updated commentary on 'Revelation', though I doubt this is the contents of the 'confidential boxes'.)

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