Help - it's drawing me in again

by AJN 31 Replies latest jw experiences

  • AJN

    Thanks again :) Yup I've got my KJ version here. All's cool - I'm keeping my boundaries up.

    It's quite amusing actually, as I'm reading the magazines I am thinking "yeah right - and I used to take all this stuff and believe it", no questions asked. *sigh* Fairy tales...

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan
    We haven't seen each other for many years....all this is cool by the way

    Well it sure sounds like you're getting that good ol' jw spirit back again

  • AJN

    Hmm, no, you misunderstand, but I don't need to go into it.

  • bebu

    AJN, glad to know that you're getting your legs back under you again--losing that "floating" feeling, it sounds.

    If a parent told a child that "If you obey me, I'll save you (save you from being killed by me.). If you don't obey me, I'll kill you." Well, if a parent said that to a child they're supposed to love anyway, we might wonder about that family, now wouldn't we.

    Yes we would. But the scenario might really be different than the above.

    If a parent dangles his child over water and says, "do whatever I want, or you get dropped"--well, I would seriously wonder about love. But a parent diving to rescue a child floating away a river and saying, "do what I say and grab onto my back, and I will rescue you" does not make me wonder at all; I admire such a parent. So the next questions are, are we in a "river", and if so, what is the nature of it?...

    AJN, I'm sorry to hijack this thread a little; couldn't resist. This should carry on elsewhere.


  • integ
    The Watchtower claims to be the chosen representatives of God, and that your only hope lies in being in touch with this channel. Proof please.

    Proof: Who else is preaching the good news of the Kingdom?

    The Watchtower claims that Jesus came invisibly in 1914 and cleaned house, choosing the Wt to be his faithful and discreet slave Proof please

    Proof: Who else is preaching the good news of the Kingdom?

    More proof: What other religion is known worldwide for using God's name Jehovah?

    CASE CLOSED!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Nosferatu

    The biggest problem I had with the Society is the emphasis they put on how much time we spend in our "service" to Jehovah.

    Tuesdays, Thursdays, Sundays - Meetings (service on Sundays)
    Saturday - Field Service, Study WT
    Monday - Family Study
    Wednesday - Study for Thursday
    Friday - Free Night (maybe)

    The Society makes it seem like Jehovah put us on this earth for the sole purpose of having worshippers. We then end up spending so much time worshipping him that we don't have the time to enjoy what he created.

    Personally, I don't have a religion and I like it that way. What I do is take any good qualities I see in other people and incorporate them into my own personality. I don't need any person or organization to do this for me, or to decide what good qualities I want to posess. Anyone can do this if they work at it.

  • franklin J
    franklin J


    If I were you--I would run fast in the opposite direction as if your life depended on it.

  • jgnat

    Integ, here are my test responses. Do you think they would work on a JW?

    Proof: Who else is preaching the good news of the Kingdom?

    ... and that good news is? Last time I checked the bible did not correlate a belief in Paradise Earth with good news. It had to do with something else, like, hmmm, freedom from the chains of sin?

    More proof: What other religion is known worldwide for using God's name Jehovah?

    Umm, before you start proclaiming His name further, shouldn't you check to see if you got the pronunciation right? I know my Father would be offended if I introduced him to everybody with the wrong pronunciation. But he doen't mind me calling him Daddy.

  • integ


    I hope you know I was being facetious. Those are some of the responses I always get when I push a hapless dub against the wall.


  • waiting

    Hey Integ,

    Good thing you clarified.........I, amongst others, was getting ready to *discuss* with you. Those are, btw, standard jw responses to just about anything - and have nothing to do with the questions asked.

    On the issue of God's supposedly killing us at Armageddon (along with the rest of the world) - I was answering as a former jw. I don't know how the Christian Churches define "getting saved".....saved from what or who? Hellfire?

    Armageddon is supposed to be the Great War of Jehovah where he magnificantly reigns down fire & brimstone (amongst other natural disasters) onto ALL living things of the earth...killing all of these living beings, - man, woman, infant, child, animal. (The animals might escape by accident - but no human accidents.)

    Jehovah God will also kill any adult and minor child of that same adult who professes to be a Jehovah's Witness....but God reads the adult's heart differently. Remember Jesus saying "And I'll say to them, 'I never knew you.'"

    Remember what the jw speaker used to say "We'll look around in the New World (or New Order or Paradise) and be surprised to see Bro. So & So. And he'll be really surprised to see us. (laughter). Then we'll look for Sister Mild - knowing that she of ALL Jehovah's People would be here......and she's no where to be found.

    Silence in the Hall........we'd best work on being saved By God....From God.

    A JW works/prays to be saved at Armageddon from *dying.* What this dying translates to is "being saved by Jehovah from being killed by Jehovah."

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